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He is contiplating retirement. He only has I believe 4 fights or maybe 5 left on his current contract. There is no one in his weight class that will ever beat him. Yes he is that damn good. Chuck is going to fight Randy atleast 1 more time, that was part of the deal that Randy signed when he came back, he fights Lesnar, Chuck and I believe Nog.


UFC to me is starting to turn into what music has become...watered down with just about everyone trying to do the same shit. The ultimate fighter show was cool the first couple of seasons, now to me its just gotten old. Its almost like a fad that is starting to fade out. Maybe i'm wrong (which I probablly am) but it just doesnt really do much for me anymore. I can watch 1 or 2 fights top during a PPV then i'm done anymore. Where I used to be a die hard fan and would waste 50bucks to watch every pay per view.


Hopefully the Lesnar vs Coture fight is as good as i'm expecting it to be. I think what is really killing UFC in my eyes is the lack of KO's. All the fights are going to the ground where they just wrestle for a while, land a few blows then accept the decision instead of knocking peoples heads off.

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Not every fight can be exciting. If you want exciting fights watch the WWF. :p



He is contiplating retirement. He only has I believe 4 fights or maybe 5 left on his current contract. There is no one in his weight class that will ever beat him. Yes he is that damn good. Chuck is going to fight Randy atleast 1 more time, that was part of the deal that Randy signed when he came back, he fights Lesnar, Chuck and I believe Nog.


UFC to me is starting to turn into what music has become...watered down with just about everyone trying to do the same shit. The ultimate fighter show was cool the first couple of seasons, now to me its just gotten old. Its almost like a fad that is starting to fade out. Maybe i'm wrong (which I probablly am) but it just doesnt really do much for me anymore. I can watch 1 or 2 fights top during a PPV then i'm done anymore. Where I used to be a die hard fan and would waste 50bucks to watch every pay per view.


Hopefully the Lesnar vs Coture fight is as good as i'm expecting it to be. I think what is really killing UFC in my eyes is the lack of KO's. All the fights are going to the ground where they just wrestle for a while, land a few blows then accept the decision instead of knocking peoples heads off.

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Haha im just waiting on UFC to turn into WWF with storylines and shit. It's gonna suck when the day comes and we find out that the fights have been fixed or pre setup determining the outcomes. I hope that never happens though


If that was the case Brock Lesnar would have beat Mir and been built up as the greatest thing ever!

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They are still talking Lesnar up to be the next great thing in MMA, which he just might become with a win over Coture it would surely help. Heres the problem with UFC and its just like WWF. Before you had other brands competing, thus making the show more interesting. You take WCW out of the picture and WWf instantly starts sucking dick...you take away Pride and UFC starts going downhill, then elite xc comes along and trys competing only to fall. When there is no real compitition then theres really no need to up the anti. When your the only thing worth watching, then you pretty much can do what you want. UFC is a monopoly in the world of MMA. Name 1 other company that can compete with them...Affliction, Bodog?
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UFC is just as fake ass, all the matches are decided before hand


Wow glue is for models not for sniffin...



UFC has pretty much all the top talent and Affliction has some pretty good guys too.


Brock VS Randy could be very epic. They are pushing Brock pretty quick but you see him fight and he could be one of the best.

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Dana White invited Kimbo to be on "The Ultimate Fighter" that would definately be worth watching lol


What the hell is fedor doing these days?


Fedor is supposed to have another fight I think against Andre Arvloski (spelling) next.


Kimbo is a joke and he is done. There is no way he will go on TUF it would show how bad he really is.

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i honestly dont ever see dana letting the UFC go to shit. evidentally he was pretty pissed while watching the silva fight. yes, i know everyone thinks he's a POS, but he is the one that built UFC(and MMA) up to what it is today, and i dont see him just letting it fall apart.


and i cant wait for the fedor-arlovski fight, should be awesome!

UFC needs to go back to the way it was in the beginning. No weight classes! That is real fighting. The last fight I got into I did not ask the guy how much he weighed.

i believe that its the sports comissions that mandate weight classes. dont quote me on that though.

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I think for the U.F.C to be sanctioned in states other than Nevada they needed to have weight classes . I think that also helped with marketing the UFC to networks . There was a thought with some of the commissions that govern other states , that without weight classes the UFC was nothing more than a legalized bar fight.
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