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Porsche 928


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I have an 82 928. I absolutely love the car. They can corner incredibly well. Such a blast to drive. I have been rebuilding the motor on mine and can't wait to drive it again. Only thing that sucks is waiting on the parts to come in, takes forever from a dealer. And the parts are pretty expensive, It was about $400 for just the gasket kit for the engine.
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My Dad had one in Germany and said it was great to drive on the autobahn, to this day he swears it was the best car he has ever driven. he always said he couldn't bring it home because it was not allowed in the States, something about the Germany model was faster that the US model.
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My friend in FL has a black '95 928GTS...it's still worth mid $30s even after more than 13 years, and it is an incredible car.


If you get a high-mileage, ragged out model it will cost you an arm and a leg to fix and maintain.


I for one would avoid it at all costs unless the climate allows you to drive it year-round.


EDIT: Better idea, get a 968 and put an LS1 into it... :)


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4 points:


1. Ditch the engine

-Speeensive parts/ kind of a pita to work on/part$ Save the heads because I think they bolt on certain sb chevy blocks. Might want to check on that

2. Torque tube/tranny

-Both suck. Uses a torque tube to go from engine to tranny (which is in the back). So decide what rear/tranny combo your gonna use/fab up

3. 86 had the best seats easily on the 928's. Feels like you don't even need a seatbelt kinda hug

4. Profit???

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4 points:


1. Ditch the engine

-Speeensive parts/ kind of a pita to work on/part$ Save the heads because I think they bolt on certain sb chevy blocks. Might want to check on that

2. Torque tube/tranny

-Both suck. Uses a torque tube to go from engine to tranny (which is in the back). So decide what rear/tranny combo your gonna use/fab up

3. 86 had the best seats easily on the 928's. Feels like you don't even need a seatbelt kinda hug

4. Profit???


I was thinking a 5.0 Porsche for a 5.0 Ford would be quite interesting. They aren't the prettiest porsche in the world, but RWD and V8 powered. I've debated this or a 944 swap some point next year. Might just get my Javelin re-painted and sell :cool:

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I love those cars. I would never destroy one up by putting a lS1 or Ford engine in it. Porsche V8 Exhaust sound> LS1.

It's all in the head design. Reason I said to save the heads

You'll destroy your bank account trying to keep up with fixing the engine

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