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How old was the oldest "Trick or Treater" you saw last night


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^lucky SOB. I spent two hours passing out candy to kids from all over Union county!


I love how half of them don't even say trick or treat anymore. They just come up, hold out their bag and expect candy. Waiting for a thank you? Keep dreamin!

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The little kids make it worth while. Cute little girl :)


My wife fell for a little boy dressed as "Thomas the train" Little guy was so weighted down with candy on one side that he DERAILED walking off our sidewalk!

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That's a cute outfit.


The little kids make it worth while. Cute little girl :)


Thank you. She's 20 Months old and at first she refused to wear the hair part of the costume, but I told her she can't go get candy unless she wore it. Then we couldn't take it off of her the rest of the night without her crying. LOL. Amazing what they understand at such a young age.

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Thank you. She's 20 Months old and at first she refused to wear the hair part of the costume, but I told her she can't go get candy unless she wore it. Then we couldn't take it off of her the rest of the night without her crying. LOL. Amazing what they understand at such a young age.



Yeah my son is 18 months and he didn't like the little pirate bandana, but after the first couple houses he was fine with it. Kept grabbing suckers out of his bag when I wasn't looking and would unwrap them and start eating them. lol

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Yeah my son is 18 months and he didn't like the little pirate bandana, but after the first couple houses he was fine with it. Kept grabbing suckers out of his bag when I wasn't looking and would unwrap them and start eating them. lol


We had the same problem with candy bars, she would just chew through the wrapper. LOL

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there were a few kids 14-16 when i was passing out candy. bunch of kids with dumb or no costumes, so they got a single piece of laffy taffy


kid came up this year, last year his dad had a michigan outfit on, so he got minor candy, this year the kid was decked out in a full OSU costume (he was ~6ish, pants, cleats, jersey, helmet), he got 2 big ass handfulls of candy

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i had my nephew out there last nite in his winnie the pooh outfit (that he cant fit) and it was awsome. hes only 11 months old and hes about to break 35lbs, scary shit, but his parents arnt lil mo fos either





Gabrielle is 24lbs. My 4 Year old nephew is only 35-38 lbs......

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Teens, 16-18?


Had a great time, kinda had a haunted house - Moving ghost, jacobs ladder, tesla coil, spiders, creepy music, chopped of heads, strobe lights, 6 ft scary blow up pumpkin, etc.


Probably had about 10-12 kids that wouldn't come up to my house because it was too scary for them. lol

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i was working at the fire department on beggars nite. All the apparatus goes out in the neighborhoods in their respective districs, turn on the emergency lights and passes out candy. its crazy to see the kids run like a bugs to a porch light.


anyway the oldest kid i saw was probably 16 or 17. He had a large blanket wraped around his neck. he was blanket man. Another skinny kid was wearing all lycra/spandex. thought that was pretty good.

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