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Anyone Up For A Drive Near Reynoldsburg

Harry Bird

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If you don't care for CR, why log in? What's making you come back?


You really need banned to go away? You can't just "log off" and not come back?


Do you need me to hold your hand?

I only came back when people continued to ask me to. The only good thing on CR seems to be Tech and BS, that's it.


I don't care for very many people on here, Kenny said it right a while back. There are very few people on here I actually enjoy or care about.


As for Phil, I don't like him. I don't like his personality. I don't like his cocky attitude in person. I don't like that he acts like he is gods gift to everyone, in person. I just plain don't like him.

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Read......Phil is "making over 100K"

If he makes 100k per year with his intelligence level, I am very worried about this world.


Look, I replied to a person I actually like. He is respectful in person, cool.

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Guest tbutera2112
omg your right i drive a pos. a pos that breaks all the time. but heres a thought for you 2 ass lovers, my $ isnt all tied up into my cars like your dumbasses, i pay fully for my own school and have more money in savings and stocks so when i graduate i can take my money out and buy my store out right as well as the store in florida. and hal i could give two less shits what you think of me, i used to enjoy fucking with you because it was fun, but now your just a whiney complaining bitch. all you do is bitch bitch bityou think cr is going down hill because of the people joining? who gives a shit, its the fucking internet. there is no life long gain in cr, its a web site, you take this shit so serious and for what? so you can feel like you mean somthing in the world? what a stupid fuck you are, maybe you should stop treating cr like its fucking match maker and clam the hell down.


and as for you tyler, my car is such a pos why havent you ever beat me? i mean your car is such a monster right? wrong, your p.o.s is just as bad as anyone elses on here, so dont jump into this fire cuz i seriously see your hours getting cut.


when did i say my car was any better or faster than yours? you always jump pauls nuts when he tells you that he saw a car that is faster than yours, saying you dont care how fast cars are...i never said my car is faster than yours, or even nicer...i simply said hal's is..and it is.. i drive a mustang with a salvage title and 160k miles, i know its not the nicest car, i never said it was...and wow talk about taking the internet too seriously, the last comment you made was bs...you have a PM

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m 19 years old.

so if your like 30 or older. then your looking at the wrong ad.

i've just started down the road called life.

ii work fulltime.

i've worked hard for the things ii have and ii depend on no one but myself.

im like 5 foot. possibly taller.

ii have short dark brown hair.

and blue/green eyes.


if your the type of guy who wants a girl in a size four.

then do not email me.

im not skinny. but im not fat either.

ii just have curves.


LOL seriously....



ii have a two bedroom apartment whom ii share with my brother and his girlfriend.

but not because ii cant afford it, ii just love the company.


life is hard and i've learned to get used to it.

i've been hurt and i've had my share of heartbreaks.

so if your a heartbreaker, then find someone elses head to mess with.

because i'll see right through it.

i've been in an abusive relationship.

so if you think putting your hands on a girl makes you tough, then your just pathetic and worthless.


ii want a guy who ..

wont lie or cheat.

knows you cant get anywhere without a j.o.b.

dont think its a girls responsibility to do everything.

can admit he's wrong.

is not afraid to commit.


LOL goodluck



is self motivated.

knows what he wants in life.

loves kids -- because ii do :) and ii want some of my own one of these days.

loves to smile and laugh.

can take a joke.

can handle what life throws his way.

will cuddle with me anytime.

will love me in sweatpants.

will share lives experiences with me.

and love himself for who he is.


your picture gets my picture :)

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m 19 years old.

so if your like 30 or older. then your looking at the wrong ad.

i've just started down the road called life.

ii work fulltime.

i've worked hard for the things ii have and ii depend on no one but myself.

im like 5 foot. possibly taller.

ii have short dark brown hair.

and blue/green eyes.


if your the type of guy who wants a girl in a size four.

then do not email me.

im not skinny. but im not fat either.

ii just have curves.


LOL seriously....



ii have a two bedroom apartment whom ii share with my brother and his girlfriend.

but not because ii cant afford it, ii just love the company.


life is hard and i've learned to get used to it.

i've been hurt and i've had my share of heartbreaks.

so if your a heartbreaker, then find someone elses head to mess with.

because i'll see right through it.

i've been in an abusive relationship.

so if you think putting your hands on a girl makes you tough, then your just pathetic and worthless.


ii want a guy who ..

wont lie or cheat.

knows you cant get anywhere without a j.o.b.

dont think its a girls responsibility to do everything.

can admit he's wrong.

is not afraid to commit.


LOL goodluck



is self motivated.

knows what he wants in life.

loves kids -- because ii do :) and ii want some of my own one of these days.

loves to smile and laugh.

can take a joke.

can handle what life throws his way.

will cuddle with me anytime.

will love me in sweatpants.

will share lives experiences with me.

and love himself for who he is.


your picture gets my picture :)


Dude I could read that shit all day.


Oh wait, I do, while getting PAID.

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