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People would be amazed on how much a good diet plays in looking good and building muscle. The workout part is very minimal. If I was to guess I would say looking good, diet is 75% of the whole thing while working out is only 25%. With a good strict diet you can lose weight and look good with just minimal working out.
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People would be amazed on how much a good diet plays in looking good and building muscle. The workout part is very minimal. If I was to guess I would say looking good is 75% of the whole thing while working out is only 25%. With a good strict diet you can lose weight and look good with just minimal working out.




Or you guys can just do the PLAYBOY WORKOUT:p


Im on it.


Cardio and upper body, Creatine and ton of protien.....






All that I can fit into my schedule and pocket lol

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I forgot to add a few things. If you are trying to lose weight then you need to focus most of your workouts on being high speed. I mean never stopping and doin alot of high reps on every machine. Then follow it with some precor machine or some treadmill. At least 20 mins on either one of those. Anything under 20 mins is a waste. And alot of people do not agree with me but the only real true enemy in food is sugar. Everything else is ok to eat. Sugar is what keeps the pounds on and adds them. I still believe you need to eat a high protein diet but do not worry to much on cutting carbs and fats. You still need both of them for energy and to gain muscle. Now I am not saying go eat a loaf of bread every night either but you just do not have to go insane trying to stay away from them. Alittle of them is not goin to hurt. Alot will but you need to focus on staying away from sugars.


I have been all over the weight scale, from 170 for bulking and building muscle size down to 155 for competing. You must be getting in at least 1 gallon of water a day if not more. At least 1.5-2 times your weight in protein. At least 6 meals a day. You gotta keep your metabolism goin and keep it as high as possible. So with that said, do not worry about your working out so much as your diet. Diet is first, then comes the workout.

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Or you guys can just do the PLAYBOY WORKOUT:p


Im on it.


Cardio and upper body, Creatine and ton of protien.....






All that I can fit into my schedule and pocket lol



LOL you are only suppost to do the playboy workout during the summer months.


Playboy workout:






4 times a week.



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The problem is.. to most people.. the diet is too much work. Thats where the failure sets in.. Diet most important for sure.

During the summer I changed my diet around and kept the SAME workout routine and lost 13 solid ass pounds just like that. Easy. Dedication to your diet <3

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I like the metrx bars they are tastey. Not cheap though.


You're not Hal! :D


Good to know. I just want to have something in my bag for days when I can't get right back to work and eat lunch.

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The problem is.. to most people.. the diet is too much work. Thats where the failure sets in.. Diet most important for sure.

During the summer I changed my diet around and kept the SAME workout routine and lost 13 solid ass pounds just like that. Easy. Dedication to your diet <3



Well thats the big part of the game. If you wanna do something you gotta put forth alot of dedication to it or you will never get anywhere. It is very easy to pack a good healthy lunch and snacks to take to work with you so you can get your necessary food in for the day. People just need to stop being lazy and just do it.

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Well what alot of us do is:

Day 1 - Arms

Day 2 - Shoulders

Day 3 - Back

Day 4 - Rest

Day 5 - Chest

Day 6 - Legs

Day 7 - Rest


Min 3/4 Days a week 30-45min of Cardio (alt. running/bike). Just cut out un-needed sugars (i.e. candy, soda, junk food). Its not how long you work out its the intensity you put into it. Less time during rest periods.

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I'll just add one more thing. Every body is different. The only way to give real advice would be to spend some time with the person needing help. Workouts and diets should be complimentary and designed around the specific person.


If someone is really having trouble, get with a personal trainer (not a certain idiot on here) and a dietitian. There are some of us who would be happy to help but, as I've said before, diet is very complicated and should only be prescribed by a professional.

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My Weekly routine is:


Day 1 - Chest/bi's

Day 2 - Legs

Day 3 - rest

Day 4 - Shoulders/tri's

Day 5 - back/abs

Day 6 - rest/cardio

Day 7 - Rest/cardio


just started back from a 1 1/2 yr break. Luckily I got good genetics and didn't really lose any size from being off. Did lost my strength some which was going to happen. been back into full swing working out for 4 weeks now.

i'm 6' 180. pretty lean w/ abs. I eat everything in sight since I got a high metabolism. I'm tryin to bulk up a lil more then shred it up.

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I'll just add one more thing. Every body is different. The only way to give real advice would be to spend some time with the person needing help. Workouts and diets should be complimentary and designed around the specific person.


If someone is really having trouble, get with a personal trainer (not a certain idiot on here) and a dietitian. There are some of us who would be happy to help but, as I've said before, diet is very complicated and should only be prescribed by a professional.



nope hes not talking about me by any means :rolleyes: , you know all bs aside, maybe we should work out together for about a week. ill do your workout if you want to do mine

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I'll just add one more thing. Every body is different. The only way to give real advice would be to spend some time with the person needing help. Workouts and diets should be complimentary and designed around the specific person.


This is very true. When it comes to eating, I am not healthy at all, but I'm still a very toned 180 lbs (I am 6'2'') and I never seem to gain any weight no matter what I eat due to my fast metabolism. Although I usually only eat twice a day so maybe that has something to do with it, but I've always been skinny/tone my whole life, and I don't work out nearly as often as I should.


I'd love to get into a strict workout at least 3-4 times a week of heavy lifting, and start eating a lot more (and healthier) and see where that takes me

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This is very true. When it comes to eating, I am not healthy at all, but I'm still a very toned 180 lbs (I am 6'2'') and I never seem to gain any weight no matter what I eat due to my fast metabolism. Although I usually only eat twice a day so maybe that has something to do with it, but I've always been skinny/tone my whole life, and I don't work out nearly as often as I should.


I'd love to get into a strict workout at least 3-4 times a week of heavy lifting, and start eating a lot more (and healthier) and see where that takes me



pm sent

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I forgot to add a few things. If you are trying to lose weight then you need to focus most of your workouts on being high speed. I mean never stopping and doin alot of high reps on every machine. Then follow it with some precor machine or some treadmill. At least 20 mins on either one of those. Anything under 20 mins is a waste. And alot of people do not agree with me but the only real true enemy in food is sugar. Everything else is ok to eat. Sugar is what keeps the pounds on and adds them. I still believe you need to eat a high protein diet but do not worry to much on cutting carbs and fats. You still need both of them for energy and to gain muscle. Now I am not saying go eat a loaf of bread every night either but you just do not have to go insane trying to stay away from them. Alittle of them is not goin to hurt. Alot will but you need to focus on staying away from sugars.


I have been all over the weight scale, from 170 for bulking and building muscle size down to 155 for competing. You must be getting in at least 1 gallon of water a day if not more. At least 1.5-2 times your weight in protein. At least 6 meals a day. You gotta keep your metabolism goin and keep it as high as possible. So with that said, do not worry about your working out so much as your diet. Diet is first, then comes the workout.



wait Sam you say sugar is bad which it is but when carbs break down the become sugars. So when you say carbs are you saying less 100 carbs a day or more then that?


Evan I did a high protein low carb (under 50 a day) and low calorie (1200 to 1500 a day) with on cheat day and over a months time dropped 20lbs. Now mind you about half of that was water but still it was weigh loss and I have been able to keep it off for almost a year now.

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wait Sam you say sugar is bad which it is but when carbs break down the become sugars. So when you say carbs are you saying less 100 carbs a day or more then that?


Evan I did a high protein low carb (under 50 a day) and low calorie (1200 to 1500 a day) with on cheat day and over a months time dropped 20lbs. Now mind you about half of that was water but still it was weigh loss and I have been able to keep it off for almost a year now.


i guess im not so much focused now on losing a lot more weight. my bathroom scale (which seems to be about 3-4lbs less than the scale at the gym or the dr. office my mom works at) says i went from about 212 to around 175.5 as of this afternoon before dinner. ive still got a little gut i want to get rid of and tone up a bit. going to start swimming again soon which was a hell of a workout when i was on it.


i decided to start eating better again a couple days ago, trying to get in more natural protein (chicken, egg whites, lean fish), veggies, and low carbs, low sodium. i've never been one for sodas (might have a diet coke once a month), candy bars, cake/pie, ice cream, etc. i can *maybe* do one of those four 1-2x/mo


im going to try to stick to the eating healthy again, and try to get in an extra day into the gym...i think i swayed away from it last time because it was a pain in the ass shopping for the stuff i needed, and it started to cost some $.


started today with 5 egg whites with some salsa,

lunch had a burrito shell with chicken breast, lettuce, tomato, corn, a little white rice, and a pinch of shredded cheese, fat free yogurt, and a pint of skim milk....should have a decent amount of protein

dinner was ocean perch, with a fat-free sour cream/mustard/paprika topping, white rice, and some peas.

none of it really tasted horrible, and it was enough to keep me sane and not starving throughout the day

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wait Sam you say sugar is bad which it is but when carbs break down the become sugars. So when you say carbs are you saying less 100 carbs a day or more then that?


Evan I did a high protein low carb (under 50 a day) and low calorie (1200 to 1500 a day) with on cheat day and over a months time dropped 20lbs. Now mind you about half of that was water but still it was weigh loss and I have been able to keep it off for almost a year now.


I meant sugars like in candy, chocolate, pop and so forth, and I did say not to go crazy on the carbs but just do be crazy about blocking them 100% out.

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I was landscaping in the summer and doing pretty close to Hal's workout while taking n02. In March I weighed 155 pounds and was benching 135. By August I weighed 175 pounds (and still do) and was benching 215 pounds. I haven't worked out in a long fucking timem but I sincerely feel that n02 was an effective supplement to compliment my workout.
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I'll just add one more thing. Every body is different. The only way to give real advice would be to spend some time with the person needing help. Workouts and diets should be complimentary and designed around the specific person.


If someone is really having trouble, get with a personal trainer (not a certain idiot on here) and a dietitian. There are some of us who would be happy to help but, as I've said before, diet is very complicated and should only be prescribed by a professional.


Hal, You seem to have a great deal of knowledge in fitness. Just curious to where you gained this, just your own training or more extensive backround? I am new still, but its nice seeing others with interests in training, I have a decent backround as well.

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Hal, You seem to have a great deal of knowledge in fitness. Just curious to where you gained this, just your own training or more extensive backround? I am new still, but its nice seeing others with interests in training, I have a decent backround as well.

I have been dealing with strength sports since I was 9, from 16-18 I was the strongest teen (in my weight class) in the world, I trained quite a few people and one 800lb bench presser, and lastly I did take classes to refine my knowledge on the subject.


There is a great deal of information out there, you just have to see it. In my room I have 10-12 years of Powerlifting USA magazine and I have read them all.

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I have been dealing with strength sports since I was 9, from 16-18 I was the strongest teen (in my weight class) in the world, I trained quite a few people and one 800lb bench presser, and lastly I did take classes to refine my knowledge on the subject.


There is a great deal of information out there, you just have to see it. In my room I have 10-12 years of Powerlifting USA magazine and I have read them all.


Wow Props to you, I have only been involved for a few years i will graduate with a BS in exercise Science i took the CSCS test in June passed, Most recently trained a buddy to a 1st place bantam weight and top 5 overall at the Natural Northern in Lakewood Last month. I have worked with some college and few Pro athletes nothing major yet. But its nice to be able to talk about other stuff on here without the flaming haha


Nice to talk with someone with your experience

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Wow Props to you, I have only been involved for a few years i will graduate with a BS in exercise Science i took the CSCS test in June passed, Most recently trained a buddy to a 1st place bantam weight and top 5 overall at the Natural Northern in Lakewood Last month. I have worked with some college and few Pro athletes nothing major yet. But its nice to be able to talk about other stuff on here without the flaming haha


Nice to talk with someone with your experience

Most of us are ok people and, I'm not bored at work right now.


I have experience but, I am far from perfect. I owe a lot of my knowledge to my dad, I just keep learning more advanced things now.

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