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lawyer needed. ( reckless opps)


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what about my problem here :shrugs:

pdqgp everything your saying is confussing me. and i think i meet your wife eariler this year.

Sorry, I will leave your thread alone unless I am posting relevant info. If Mr. Law wants to bring this back up, he can start a thread in The Kitchen.


In your case, you're screwed. You are being charged with a minor misdemeanor. You need to lawyer up, let them handle it, and pray for the best.

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4511.202 Operation without being in reasonable control of vehicle, trolley, or streetcar.


(A) No person shall operate a motor vehicle, trackless trolley, streetcar, agricultural tractor, or agricultural tractor that is towing, pulling, or otherwise drawing a unit of farm machinery on any street, highway, or property open to the public for vehicular traffic without being in reasonable control of the vehicle, trolley, streetcar, agricultural tractor, or unit of farm machinery.


(B) Whoever violates this section is guilty of operating a motor vehicle or agricultural tractor without being in control of it, a minor misdemeanor.



By your attempt at proving a private property burnout being unlawful your incriminated a lot of people. Any tractor can spin tires while plowing if you take to big of a bite.


Blah my dad can beat up you dad so I win:-)


Oh and to the OP, quit whining, pay the fine, do the time, and I get tired of these threads.

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By your attempt at proving a private property burnout being unlawful your incriminated a lot of people. Any tractor can spin tires while plowing if you take to big of a bite.


Blah my dad can beat up you dad so I win:-)

It's not the same. A burnout causes a car to lose traction (ie. control) on a road. The driver is then no longer in control of the vehicle. That's the problem with the case at hand. If they are saying he was doing a burnout, they are saying he had no control of the car.


A farm tractor is a little different because it was purely an accident. It would get thrown out.

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OMG you can name drop???? Awesome job there. You insult me for bringing "daddy" into this yet you willfully brought "Wifey-McWearsThePants" into it?


name drop? no quite...just trying to make a point that the best around are able to win such cases and make a great living and name for themselves doing so. Perhaps your dad couldn't and chose the easy route out teaching instead.


Perhaps he has spent his entire career in defense and contract law. Glad your wife worked as a prosecutor, he was busy defending against people like her. You're right, he must have lost a lot of cases for my family to have the kind of money it does. I'm glad she's practiced for 15 years too. My dad stopped teaching about 6 years ago, maybe she had him for a teacher! Do you want to shut your bitch mouth yet?


Contract law....far cry from criminal law. Her expereince at the prosecutors office was spent working directly on the other side dude. She knows how the system works from both sides and has relationships which count for more than just knowing how to cite. Ask your dad; if he's worth his salt, he'll explain how books smarts are expected, but they alone don't win cases.


Money wise you make me laugh. You don't know me or my family. The kind of car I drive is by choice and let's just say we've had our share of MBZ and expensive cars years ago. It's not about what you drive dude. I much prefer to look at what I choose not to spend my money on and a car isn't it. Pretty sad when you have to bring as if material things and what you drive are how you measure success.....spoken like an ignorant person really. Only the weak have to show-off. In time you'll learn the value of quiet confidence. Until then, you strike me as a typical kid who likes to cry on the internet.


She very likely could have had him as a teacher....and I'm sure many other of his students have gone on to be better attorneys too.


PS. If you don't need to win cases, why do I? Does it upset you that Wifey McWearsThePants might not be as smart as you thought? Does it upset you when people use your own arguments against you?


She's the one winning cases defending such things...I'd say she's the one who knows how to win.

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BTW: Your wide must do pretty well to afford the car you have! I guess my mom will just have the settle for the new caddy she gets every couple years :(.


Just shows where your mom puts her priorities. maybe she should read The Millionaire Next Door.

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In your case, you're screwed. You are being charged with a minor misdemeanor. You need to lawyer up, let them handle it, and pray for the best.


Exactly...get a GOOD lawyer who knows how to work the system and beat the charges or negotiate it down to something in your favor. ie....find someone with great relationships at the prosecutors office, perhaps even worked there and has years of actual criminal experience not just time behind a desk practicing tax or contract law.


If your attorney tells you to just pray and hope for the best because the stuff he's pulling from a code book is believed to be the almighty end, then run from them because they must not know how to handle his/her self in a court of law to win the case.


Sounds like you may have an attorney, but if you would like recommendations, PM me. My wife won't take the cases and I won't solicit for her of course, but I can get some great referrals from her to point you towards. There's 3 very good ones here in Columbus for such cases. Sam S. is one.

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Just shows where your mom puts her priorities. maybe she should read The Millionaire Next Door.

Her priorities where she was on a school board for 14 years? Maybe the priorities where she relearned how to read, eat, walk, etc... and ended up with a Phd.? What about the priorities where she is the director of the P-12 project at OSU?


Damnit, I posted this in the wrong thread. Now I need to contribute somehow.


You may want to try to find people who witnessed the event in question. Get people that can verify your story.

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By your attempt at proving a private property burnout being unlawful your incriminated a lot of people. Any tractor can spin tires while plowing if you take to big of a bite.


Blah my dad can beat up you dad so I win:-)


Oh and to the OP, quit whining, pay the fine, do the time, and I get tired of these threads.



ok mr. smart ass. you try having this being thrown at you when some asshole in his moms 4 door sedan decideds to tear out of the parking lot like little mr. billy bad ass. he heard others tires squealing. and heard my engine. 2 different cars. and im getting fucking charged with reckless opps when all i was doing was fucking driving out of the fucking parking lot to head home and finish my fucking 5 lug swap on my fucking mustang. yeah real fucking fair isnt it? he is going by what he HEARD. not what he SEEN

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Her priorities where she was on a school board for 14 years? Maybe the priorities where she relearned how to read, eat, walk, etc... and ended up with a Phd.? What about the priorities where she is the director of the P-12 project at OSU?


Damnit, I posted this in the wrong thread. Now I need to contribute somehow.


You may want to try to find people who witnessed the event in question. Get people that can verify your story.



i went to my principle and asked if they had video surveillance of the parking lots. and was told no.

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i went to my principle and asked if they had video surveillance of the parking lots. and was told no.

They wouldn't give that to you anyway, most likely. Was there no one around to verify your story?

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They wouldn't give that to you anyway, most likely. Was there no one around to verify your story?



yeah i know they wouldnt give it to me. but he said no they dont have video. which sucks becasue it would prove my story right.


and yeah. people drive crossing the parking lot. theres no way i could of gone at that speed or anywhere close because 1...there was heavy traffic. 2...kids crossing to go to the cars. the officer is the one who was doing the 50+. driving over the curb. ect. im not trying to bad mouth the officer. but he heard two different cars here. my exhaust. and a unknown kid squeal in his tires leaving the parking lot. he could not see my car from where he was. i saw him. he is there EVERYDAY. he heard my exhaust and instantly thought it was me. i did not squeal my tires. or fly though the parking lot. hell i even was signaling in the parking lot!!

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Pimping parents here will only lose you cool points Hal. :nono:

Oh shit, older people that have nothing better to do than frequent a forum, are getting annoyed!


It's like you people think I honestly give a fuck what any of you think.


I'm glad you fucking retards can read the only reason I said what I did. I tell you what, next time your stupid ass comes out, I'll explain it all really slowly for you.

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Oh shit, older people that have nothing better to do than frequent a forum, are getting annoyed!


It's like you people think I honestly give a fuck what any of you think.


Well then I think you act like a total bitch ass spoiled child in this thread. I'm not annoyed, I just thought you were more mature then some people here. Guess not. Since you don't care I'm sure I will not see a response.

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pre paid legal....you pay a certain low amount per month, every month...even if youre not in trouble, but then when you get in trouble you already have a lawyer and it wont cost anything more on top of your monthly payments



i believe thats how it works


You are right.


Ryan, I know it doesnt help you out much now, but Pre Paid Legal has saved me a lot of hassle in the past. Look into it after this is all over.


Best of luck.

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