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Bad78Cutlass: incestuous faggots


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Cliffs: two fucking children come on here bragging about their sweet rides which really turn out to be their uncles. They are 15 and can't even legaly drive a car but they are the best drag racers to exist evar! Not to mention they are twin faggot brothers who have a joint acount and refer to themselves as we. The only thing left to figure out is who is catching.
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Sam, long story short people run their mouth. And after all of that, we saw a couple of them in person and they didn't say a word. That sums it up.


If I ever meet you in person I would love the chance to tell you that you both are a waste of letters on the internet and I hope that someone rapes your little sister.

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Cliffs: two fucking children come on here bragging about their sweet rides which really turn out to be their uncles. They are 15 and can't even legaly drive a car but they are the best drag racers to exist evar! Not to mention they are twin faggot brothers who have a joint acount and refer to themselves as we. The only thing left to figure out is who is catching.


Summed up as,


The delicious act of two men rubbing the heads of their dicks together, with one of the men's foreskin being stretched over the head of his partner's dick. Add a little leakage (precum) from one (or both of their dicks), mutual excitement, rubbing, grinding, heavy breathing and the result is a mind-blowing orgasm for both men.

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Tummy sticks is the situation, commonly referred to as a game, in which two erect men cuddle closely and face-to-face causing their two erect penises, or sticks, to push upwards between their stomachs, or tummys. Sticks combine with tummys, hence the name "tummy sticks."
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Summed up as,


The delicious act of two men rubbing the heads of their dicks together, with one of the men's foreskin being stretched over the head of his partner's dick. Add a little leakage (precum) from one (or both of their dicks), mutual excitement, rubbing, grinding, heavy breathing and the result is a mind-blowing orgasm for both men.



You are speaking my kind of language.

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Tummy sticks is the situation, commonly referred to as a game, in which two erect men cuddle closely and face-to-face causing their two erect penises, or sticks, to push upwards between their stomachs, or tummys. Sticks combine with tummys, hence the name "tummy sticks."


Just made my penis soft for days

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Well I am staying out of this cause I dont wanna read it all but I will say this:

1. Talking shit online and not in person is prolly the gayest shit ever designed


SSMafia and 79mopower or whatever it is, was running their mouth to us back in a thread a while back. Yet we se them in person and they don't have a word to say.

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Their our cars. We built them with our own hard earned money. Thats why it has taken us for along time to get them built. Thye both should be ready around April or May. So if anyone wants any, they just have to ask.


Here we go again bragging about cars you cant reach the pedals in, and not to mention your not even old enough to drive yet again. Awsome. I can't wait till it gets out on craigslist that we have little faggot dragracing boys that arent even legal.

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SSMafia and 79mopower or whatever it is, was running their mouth to us back in a thread a while back. Yet we se them in person and they don't have a word to say.


So far I do not like you two at all. I think ur uncle is cool. I have met him. You are talking about 2 cool people. If I see you I will tell you how much your dads sperm was waisted trust me! BTW. your uncle claims that they are his cars. Care to touch on that?

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