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Blackberry Storm


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If you live in the dublin area I work in a CORPORATE Verizon store in front of tuttle. I can get you the storm when it drops. We are even having a launch party for it 1 of 3 stores in the columbus area. You wont have to pay 500.00 either. If you want me to call anyone who is on here when it comes out just send me your number and i will call you a day before time. We will have it the day it launches so you dont have to wait for 3rd party stores to get it.
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i loveeddd my iphone! It has got to be one of the best phones on the market, but i agree my bill was clearly over $100/month. The service/texting was horrible... i ended up switching back to verizon couple months ago and considering this BBstorm... anyone know how much it is?
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  JaSSon said:
How are you guys paying $76/month for an iPhone? I was looking into the 3g iPhone before I got my Dare. With the minutes, required data plan, and unlimited, and +tax the iPhone was over $100 a month.




450 min package. The wife and I are on a Family plan though.

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  JaSSon said:
How are you guys paying $76/month for an iPhone? I was looking into the 3g iPhone before I got my Dare. With the minutes, required data plan, and unlimited, and +tax the iPhone was over $100 a month.






Which is waaaay too damn much!!!



  V8 BEAST said:
Dont like phone... ebay, buy new one, call *228, choose option 3.. phone reprograms in your information over the air.. Done! No Sim card to keep track of > GaySM.. but if you really like them the storm has one ;)


What company is this?

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  V8 BEAST said:
Dont like phone... ebay, buy new one, call *228, choose option 3.. phone reprograms in your information over the air.. Done! No Sim card to keep track of > GaySM.. but if you really like them the storm has one ;)


13% of the world uses CDMA, 86% uses GSM. Much easier to get by on GSM.

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  V8 BEAST said:




I hear a bunch of people saying this, and most have never stepped foot outside of the US.



I love the people that say they can't use T-mobile or others because their coverage is suspect, yet they never leave Columbus. Go figure!

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  Cobra Rabbit said:
If you live in the dublin area I work in a CORPORATE Verizon store in front of tuttle. I can get you the storm when it drops. We are even having a launch party for it 1 of 3 stores in the columbus area. You wont have to pay 500.00 either. If you want me to call anyone who is on here when it comes out just send me your number and i will call you a day before time. We will have it the day it launches so you dont have to wait for 3rd party stores to get it.


PM Sent!

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The rest of the world is on a different band that the GSM we use in NA, so your NA GSM phone will not work unless it has the GSME bands in it.


I had TMo and one day it stopped working at my house. I called and they said the tower had a problem, but they didn't want to repair it.


I switched to Verizon, I live way out in the sticks and need the cdma coverage. But, when I am in London (England), Dublin (Ireland), Hong Kong, or whatever other place I am in, I need the phone to work. The world BlackBerry covers all of that, and I keep my same number. Plus my UK GSM card works in it too so I can have my $.05/min rate to the US via Orange. I got it covered.

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Verizon sucks for several reasons.


1st: Limited bluetooth. They do not enable bluetooth data transfer. They do this so you have to either SMS or use their Pixplace or whatever they call it to transfer pictures. More money for them.


2nd: Limited GPS. Even though the past three phones I've owned have had built-in GPS, Verizon locks it out so only VZ Navigator can use it. That's fucking bullshit if you ask me. No other phone company in the country does that. But at $9.99/mo for VZ Navigator, it's just more money for them.


3rd: Expensive. Even with our discount for being state employees we get with Verizon, it would be cheaper for us to go with ATT. Plus we'd be able to actually USE the GPS and get rollover minutes.


I've been a Verizon customer for almost 8 yrs. I never really had any problems with them except for their eagerness to charge for every little thing. It's come to a point where I'm sick of it. We'll probably be switching as soon as Carie's contract is up.

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  Casper said:
Verizon sucks for several reasons.


1st: Limited bluetooth. They do not enable bluetooth data transfer. They do this so you have to either SMS or use their Pixplace or whatever they call it to transfer pictures. More money for them.


2nd: Limited GPS. Even though the past three phones I've owned have had built-in GPS, Verizon locks it out so only VZ Navigator can use it. That's fucking bullshit if you ask me. No other phone company in the country does that. But at $9.99/mo for VZ Navigator, it's just more money for them.


3rd: Expensive. Even with our discount for being state employees we get with Verizon, it would be cheaper for us to go with ATT. Plus we'd be able to actually USE the GPS and get rollover minutes.


I've been a Verizon customer for almost 8 yrs. I never really had any problems with them except for their eagerness to charge for every little thing. It's come to a point where I'm sick of it. We'll probably be switching as soon as Carie's contract is up.


Most of that is taken care of with the right phone and software. :)

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  BIGGU said:



Not all of the information on there is accurate. I cant go into detail, but there is something wrong in there info.

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  Jones said:
Most of that is taken care of with the right phone and software. :)


Right phone???


You definitely can't crack it on Blackberry.


Windows Mobile phones you can, but it flakes out a lot.


But why deal with a company that makes you hack your phone just to use something you paid for anyways?

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