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Sick ass world we live in!!

DTM Brian

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Wow, preemptive death penalty. Funny how libs don't like preemptive strikes against enemy forces, but preemptive death penalty for those that have no defense is ok.


Please schedule with Johnnybravo soon.


Again are you calling me a criminal? I could swear I read Tilley saying he is a Criminal Psychologist. I don't think I am interesting enough for Tilley's time anyway. But I would see him if I needed too, and he would take me as a patient. Also are you giving me referral? Have you talked to Tilley to see if he wants you referring patients to his practice? Do you always just hand out medical advice for free?

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First off, who cares? If they're good people and aren't hurting anyone, who the fuck cares? Interesting story, yes, but to judge them on it, is shite. Because of the decisions these people made doesn't mean they'll be bad parents.


It's not so much that I feel they'd be bad parents. I'm sure they'll do fine. What I feel bad for is the kids when they find out that they don't have a 'daddy'. The parents should start budgeting now for therapy. The kids are gonna need it.

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It's not so much that I feel they'd be bad parents. I'm sure they'll do fine. What I feel bad for is the kids when they find out that they don't have a 'daddy'. The parents should start budgeting now for therapy. The kids are gonna need it.

Why do you feel children need a father? (I'm asking a serious question, btw. :) ) I'm curious as to what people feel.

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Yah, its pretty fucking weird, and a little creepy. More power to em though. I love how the standard fundes jump all over em, as if no fucked up kids ever came from the status quo.


Won't someone think of the children !?!?

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