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cat problems


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Cat pisses.....cat goes to pound....solved.


My GFs cat did this in her condo...it had been doing it for so long that the carpet had to be pulled and the wood on the floor had to be removed and replaced. Cat piss ruined the whole damn floor. You think you are cleaning it....HA HA...wait until you have to lift the carpet. That cat found it's way to the cat welfare THAT day. Pain of missing it goes away. Hell with cats.

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Cat piss..... reasons #1, #2 and #3 why we'll never have a cat inside my living quarters.


Steps for your solution. Get rid of the cat. Replace the carpet/shellac the floor under the cat piss areas...or the smell will still be there.


Good luck.

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Guest 614Streets
we have 3 cats and 1 dog. our cat that used to be chill as fuck has started peeing in the corners. and its usually only about a few drops. has anyone else dealt w anything like this???



My brothers fiancee's parents has a cat with this problem. It was prescribed a certain medication and everytime I go over to her parents house it is tied to a door knob. I laugh seeing this everytime.


I could find out what the vet prescribed it or connect you with them , otherwise thats all I know.

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I had this problem in the past. But it was due to the introduction of a new animal in the house. Have you changed something in your household recently that coincides with when this problem started?


we got our dog in february and another cat in may so these seem too long ago to have an effect in november.

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My cat does this if I piss him off or if his litter box is dirty and/or he can't get to it. Seriously my cat gets moody real easy. If the cat keeps pissing in the same spot more then once put their food and water dish there. Cats will not piss near their food at all. So make sure the little box is no where near food. My little boxes are in the basement and food is in the kitchen.


He is fine as long as I don't leave my house for more then 2 days straight.

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My cat does this if I piss him off or if his litter box is dirty and/or he can't get to it. Seriously my cat gets moody real easy. If the cat keeps pissing in the same spot more then once put their food and water dish there. Cats will not piss near their food at all. So make sure the little box is no where near food. My little boxes are in the basement and food is in the kitchen.


He is fine as long as I don't leave my house for more then 2 days straight.


Good advice on the food in the piss area.

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I had the same problem. Make sure you have 1 litter box per cat + 1 extra. The extra litter box solved the problem for me. You can also place a litter box where the cat has been urinating and slowly move it out of site.


Also pick up some odor neutralizer. Once the cat smells urine it thinks it's OK to go there. As mentioned above, you'll have to pull the carpet up to clean it properly.

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OK, important info missing here.


How old?

Fixed or not?


The cat is probably spraying, not pissing. Cat spray is basically piss with some extra nastiness mixed in from a gland that gives it a very strong smell. That's what they use to mark their territory. Usually it is only a few drops, like you said. Either way, you can fix the problem.

If it's spraying, and it's male, the vet can give him a small dose of female hormones that will temporarily change his territorial behavior. Usually, they don't start spraying again. I'm not sure if that can be done for a female.

If it's pissing, you have a bigger problem that can only be addressed with discipline and changing the conditions that are causing it to piss.


Have you changed the litter box lately? I don't mean the litter, I mean the box itself. We recently had a problem with our female cat pissing outside the box, and I was ready to give up, when it occurred to me that the problem had started shortly after I bought a litter box with a hood. I took the hood off, and she went back to using the box normally.

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Cats are little bastards.


If you are keeping his/her litter box clean this could be do to a few things.


You could try a litter attractant that will make the cat WANT to use the litter box. also it could be anxiety due to some sort of change in diet. Or it could be some sort of territorial issue with the dogs although that is less likely. Some pet stores sell a pheromone wick which is an anti anxiety formula that will soothe and relax the animal. Simply plug it in and let it work.

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