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Attn: Stimmel, Howard wants to wear your pinky toe.


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It took a few days to get all the junk ready. Then another to march to the area

where we were to do battle. At first it was stare at each other from our

camps.. Then we would send insults via messenger. About three days into this

mess, I actually got to see my 'Brother'. Finally.. He stood before me and

sneered. I ignored the animal who barely came up to my chin.. When all his

ranting did nothing, he pulled a dagger out and tried to stick me. I knocked

the toy away.. Then snarling, lifted him up by his chest hair, and hit him.

Once.. He bounced three times and lay in a heap. I retrieved the weapon from

the grass and grasping the handle, bent the blade. Tossed it at the still

figure. Then spat in his direction and returned to my tent. "You should not

have done that.. Now he will wish to fight you with armor.." I smiled. "Wizard,

Open up the trunk." Fa'Akl nodded and putting his paws on a certain box of

iron, mumbled a few Words of Power, then lifted the hasp. "Please leave us,

Commander." Siguh nodded and went outside. "Friend, tell me when it is time, I

intend to rest.." The wizard crossed paws with me, then left also. I stretched,

did my exercises, and dropped into a light sleep.

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The knock came. "They await you, Lord.." I stood. Took out what was inside the

box and placing it on me, covered it with a robe. The sun was just about over

head. I followed my second back to the area. My opponent in some ornamental

junk grinned. He lifted a bread-slicer and waived it at me. I walked to my

side, and stood a moment. "Helm, please." I took the helmet, and put it on. The

grin faded. It vanished entirely as I undid the robe and handed it to my

second. My armor was made of overlapping steel plates. Hard as an iron shield,

supple as leather boots. It gleamed like a well polished cannon. I pulled my

LongSword free from it's place on my back and strode towards my opponent. He

went white and made some noises. "You wanted this.. Not me. I would have

preferred terms.. Like whose bed and how many pages..." That got his ire up a

bit. "Perverted Bastard.." And lifted his silvered blade. It looked pretty and

Might have actually done some damage to unprotected skin.. It wouldn't even

scratch my armor. As he found out. "Hit me.. Brother." The bruin snarled and

did so.. His sword screeched down my breastplate, and went across one plated


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I grinned.. Whirled the double-yard of steel and whipped it over the Lord's

head. Who ducked.. And lost his ear tips. I slammed my armored knee into his

chin, and brought the hilt of my sword down on top of his head. His teeth

clicked audibly.. And he fell. "The only reason you live is the Memory of our

Father.. Disgrace that Memory again, And I will personally see the cawers feast

well!" Then re-sheathed my weapon and left the field. I went back into the tent

and removed the armor. Closed the trunk. Sat on the floor, cleansing myself of

anger and disgust. Paws gripped my shoulders. "You did well.." I nodded. "Ho

the tent.. Ehha wishes to speak with his Brother." I stood. Walked toward the

flap. "My Lord. You are naked.." I grinned at the Wizard. "I am clothed in my

Title, and need nothing else. Unless you think the sight of a male body will

drive my brother insane with lust.." He shook his head and went before me. I

opened the flap and stood in the bright day. A gasp rose up and a half-dozen

bodies moved to cover me up with theirs. I laughed and moved them away. "I come

before my Brother open as the day I was brought into the world.. If my body


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The other HanKeeper looked at me. Dropped his robe as well. Then went to one

knee. "I have lost.. Do with me as you will." I chuckled. "One should be

careful using such words.. It might stir thoughts of Incest in Weaker minds."

Grins and whispers made the rounds. "However, little was lost, except a few

inches of skin, and Pride. One returns easily. As to the other.. Sometimes a

good slap on the bottom is the best teacher." I put my paws on the animal's

shoulders. "You challenged me. Why I do not know.." He lifted his muzzle in

surprise. "I do not counter, for I have no reason to. Therefore I ask you to

let go any past hurts I have done to you. Any faults rest solely on my

shoulders, And I shall bear them as any who is Han must. Let no animosity lie

between us. For when we die, what worm cares who we were. They are not picky

upon whose bones they feast. Nor does the ground, whose embrace we all find

ourselves in, care for fault-finding, and like a Mother, loves the Guilty as

well as the Innocent. Thief and Lord are the same to the grassy knoll. And I

have spoken entirely too long. If I promise to keep my paws to myself, will you

take wine with me?" He stood.

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Swallowed.. "You are not Isskem.. But whoever you be, I welcome you as My

Brother." He clasped his sweaty chest to mine. I put my claws to his lower back

and pulled his entire body over to press it hard against me. "Brother.." We

embraced for a moment.. Then Ehha laughed. "You nuzzle my cheek Isskem as if

you think I am a lover.." "Perhaps I do, especially if what I feel nudging my

leg is as big as it seems.." I whispered in an ear. "However that is not for so

many eyes to see.." I Grabbed his butt and squeezed it. "Let us to the tent,

where it is cooler.. And wine awaits us." I let the startled bear go and went

to the flap. lifting it. "Siguh, Find My Brother's General and bid him enter as

well." A creature with many scars and half an ear, dropped head to chest, then

went into the tent. My WarHaan, and my Brother followed. I went in last. "I

asked the pair of you in to show my intentions above reproach. I wish to let

past regrets and regressions lie and strengthen friendships." We passed around

a jug of wine and drank to each other's health. By the end of the day, Ehha was

crying on my shoulder, and had to be helped out, swearing to new ties.

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My own commander watched me pour the rest of my cup out. "Water.. I am

light-headed now, and we still march to Insre." He nodded, then grabbed my

muzzle and soundly kissed it! "Isskem is dead.. Long live the HanWeilder!" I

growled.. "Keep this up and the only place you will go is to get oil from the

chest" His teeth bit into my lip. "I don't need oil.." I mashed his nipples in

my paws. "If you wish these to be slick, and your nuts as well, we shall need

oil. And you had better tell the Guard you will be busy.. I would Hate to get a

cold sword stuck up my butt as I suck on your hot cock." The bruin growled and

slapped my butt. "I will want That later.." Then grinned and left. I went out

and asked if somebody could spare a bucket of water. While solders ringed me, I

lifted the wooden bucket and let the cool liquid splash all down me. Then

shook.. Spraying the entire bunch. "Sorry.." They chuckled at their lords

antics. I gave each furry butt a fondle.. "Remind me later to thank you

personally.. Now let us be off. The castle is but a day's march off, and I

expect runners to prepare a Feast to welcome our return.. With plenty of horny

lovers to go 'Round!" They cheered, and went to pack.

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The Commander came around growling about unfinished business.. I took a robe

and walking staff. Then belted a good sword on it. "How many nights have we

sleep apart at the Haan? And not because my door was bolted, Either." He stood,

gaping. "Besides, a little waiting shall swell your balls even more. Then I

shall have more to harvest this eve.." I patted the horny creature. "Duty

before pleasure.." He looked at me like I had just taken my head off and tucked

it under my arm. Then shook his head.. "If I live to see another StoneCut (40

years).." "You will be fat, have a ton of Son's Cubs pulling your ears, and be

grumping about life." We both laughed, and helped strike the camp.

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I awoke from this dream, sweaty and feverish... Something stirred against my leg

and I yawned. My hand was not a paw but a hand and it felt good under my head.

The something stirred again... Maybe I Did own a dog, and just didn't

remember... "My Leigre?" purred a throaty voice. A paw closed around my nuts as

a rough tongue lapped at my morning erection. I opened my eyes to see something

furry, feline, and male, if what was poking my toes could be considered a cock.

He also had a collar on, with a name stamped on it. My name... "Mmmmrrrrr *Lap*

They told me that The Hurr make the Best Masters - Now I know it is True.. I

was afraid the poison that rival Mehh had slipped you had done you in. But I

Knew better! And now..." He slowly arched and grinned, straddling my hips and

pressing my hard, wet cock under his tail. "You can take HIM Slave as well..."

We Both moaned as he took me full to the hair, but for different reasons.

"Rrrrrrrr.. You will defeat the Mehh, and enslave him as you did me. You will

treat us roughly and beat us and mate with us many times a night.. " 'Many

times a night? Oh Shi..' His cat-like yowl interrupted my thoughts as he

spurted his thin, milky-cum onto my belly.

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"Oh, Master... Your stamina exceeds all that I have known... I shall do my best

to be worthy of your semen." He Really started working those cat-hips in my

cock, grunting and gasping and mewling.. And all the time I can Feel this

rumbling purr echo through his body. The tightness of his hole is incredible

and it only takes a few minutes before I grab his hips and thrust upwards,

spurting like there is no tomorrow.. As I lay there, exhausted, his paws are on

my sides and he lays in me, nuzzling my chest, squeezing my still hard cock.

"Rest my Hurr Master. Rest, and know Raeel shall be here, ready to again be

your seed's container, until you enslave another of my brethren to do your

bidding." And All I can think of is 'Many times a night?'

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*Ahem* The idea of having sex with a dolphin seems rather interesting and enticing <=D I’m not someone who is unpopular, unattractive, or rather, unidealistic. In fact, I am a character who is moderately desired by girls, who find me charismatic, cute, and a very positive, fun, and funny individual. Ironically, sex with rl people seems more dirty than it does with something, such as a dolphin. They are wonderful, intelligent, and cute animals that are not animals in their own respect. Not that this has anything to do with my interest in having sex with a dolphin, I merely take great interest in it because of http://www.dolphinsex.com ’s description of how their internal muscle systems can A”make women green with envy”, and can “make you cum in less than a minute < = D “. If such an experience transcends that of normal human sexual encounters, why turn down such an awesome chance! If only I lived near some dolphins I could visit on a regular basis…. *sighs*
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*Ahem* The idea of having sex with a dolphin seems rather interesting and enticing <=D I’m not someone who is unpopular, unattractive, or rather, unidealistic. In fact, I am a character who is moderately desired by girls, who find me charismatic, cute, and a very positive, fun, and funny individual. Ironically, sex with rl people seems more dirty than it does with something, such as a dolphin. They are wonderful, intelligent, and cute animals that are not animals in their own respect. Not that this has anything to do with my interest in having sex with a dolphin, I merely take great interest in it because of http://www.dolphinsex.com ’s description of how their internal muscle systems can A”make women green with envy”, and can “make you cum in less than a minute < = D “. If such an experience transcends that of normal human sexual encounters, why turn down such an awesome chance! If only I lived near some dolphins I could visit on a regular basis…. *sighs*



You are still fucking a dolphin at the end of the day.

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This thread gave me LOLZ x52


Stimmel keeps all appendages. Brian is now on my fucking shit list because he just broke a cardinal rule.


That's totally not appropriate. I didn't even make that outrageous of a claim, but you definitely disrespected me, and the entire scientific community on that one. I don't care if you just know that much about the subject, or you are just ignorant to the facts that are in the field that I am an expert on, but come on. Don't bullshit the fact that I know more about this than you do. Just come straight and say you don't know what you're talking about, and we'll be cool. Seriously? This is fucking bullshit, you shouldn't get so riled up about such trivial things, but if you do, you're a fucking faggot. Go home and make love to your fucking real doll. You don't know shit about what we're talking about and you need to fucking leave this thread right now. Buy a bullet and rent a gun, because sir, you are finished in life.

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