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93 3.1L grand prix help


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Me and a buddy of mine were out screwing around the other night after we left work and were racing down a back road (yea not exactly much of a race lol) and i started smelling something funny. I looked down the the temp gauge and it was little higher than normal, up to the 4th bar but has never gone past the 3rd before this even if i did beat on it. So since then, ive have noticed a slight hint of the smell when the car gets up to the 3rd bar. Well i had to run out to do some stuff a little bit ago, but never really noticed the smell. On my way home i about ran over by some dumbass in an f-350, so i had to get on it to get out of his way. Then i got a big wiff of it, alogn with the temp gauge being up at the 4th line again. I pulled off to where my buddy works and we were looking around for leaks or anything, but the only thing we really saw was a tiny amount of smoke coming from the lower front or what should be the right side of the motor. we could also faintly smell it to.


I cant say that ive ever smelled coolant burning, so im not sure if it thats or not. We did check the oil to see if there was coolant in it, but it seems ok and the car isnt smoking like it should be with a blown head gasket. Any idea;s on what to check for?

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Those 3.1s are notorious for head gasket/lower intake gaskets, but if don't see leaks, exhaust smoke, or coolant in the oil, it could be anything. I have seen a few of those seep coolant out the corner of the head, but most leaks are hard to see without a lift or knowing exactly where to look. It always seems like they leak on the back side. You can swing by with it if you want.
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Those 3.1s are notorious for head gasket/lower intake gaskets, but if don't see leaks, exhaust smoke, or coolant in the oil, it could be anything. I have seen a few of those seep coolant out the corner of the head, but most leaks are hard to see without a lift or knowing exactly where to look. It always seems like they leak on the back side. You can swing by with it if you want.



thats exactly what im worried about, i dont feel like having to replace gaskets yet lol. Maybe this weekend ill bring it by if i cant figure something out before then. i still wanna get drunk this weekend though lol

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thats exactly what im worried about, i dont feel like having to replace gaskets yet lol. Maybe this weekend ill bring it by if i cant figure something out before then. i still wanna get drunk this weekend though lol

My wife is actually off this Saturday so no drinking for me, but I can look at it if you want. Is it a sweet kind of smell, or burning? Go stick your nose in some coolant, burning coolant doesn't smell much different. Did you check the tranny fluid?

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My wife is actually off this Saturday so no drinking for me, but I can look at it if you want. Is it a sweet kind of smell, or burning? Go stick your nose in some coolant, burning coolant doesn't smell much different. Did you check the tranny fluid?


yea, it is kind of a sweet smell. just checked, yea it deffinately smells like coolant lol.


No i havent checked the tranny fluid yet.

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passenger front on a 3.1 is where the waterpump is


I'd get it pressure tested so you can see the leak when the engine is cool


I've seen the the steel standoff with the bleeder in it rust out and leak on some older 3.1's



Those 3.1s love to leak coolant.

I was just throwing the trans fluid out with the though the radiator might be leaking internally, but it's doubtful.

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