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Step By Step on hail to fail at thanksgiving.


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1. schedule dinners with family at 3 and 6 giving plenty of time.

2. Not be told it was moved to 4pm

3. Not being able to see the family you wanted to see.

4. Being stuck in the middle of nowhere with barely passable internet.

5. Your mom goes to your grandmas for thanksgiving



Fuck this holiday my thanks giving part next weekend atleast will be full of win.


Luckly I still have internet in some sense .


6. Fuck up your title.

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We threw tradition out the window this year. Told our parents fuck Thanksgiving, and grilled steaks. Best Thanksgiving ever.



I made a homemade pumpkin mousse pie and apple-butter pumpkin pie, grilled porter house steaks and giant turkey legs on the bbq grill while she sauteed mushrooms, made some stuffing, baked potatos, mac and cheese, and some green bean casserole I chose to "forget" to get. Chilled at home and kept ourselves amused all day.

Only real fail of the day was my gf getting a call and finding out her mom's uncle will probably not make it thru the weekend. :(

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