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Job security... no one is safe anymore

V8 Beast

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The article and the comments aren't 100% in relation. I'm under the impression that AT&T and AT&T wireless are treated as seperate entities. ATT wired seems to be laying off employees, not ATT wireless.


So in effect, the iPhone, VZW, Sprint are really no comparison when it comes down to this article.


I think ATT is being pro-active instead of reactive, which sucks.....but it makes much more sense than waiting untl you have to go to the feds to seek low cost loans.

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Part of the landline reduction appears to be linked to helping the wireless side expand. Also the companies have wireless and landline working under one big coorporate umbrella, so they are linked. Thats why they mentioned them in the article.
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I feel pretty safe in my job security because for some reason people still can't behave. They still rob,rape steal, kill, and when times get worse like now things get busier for me. Yea, I think my job is safe. However, its getting to be a real bitch now that things are getting worse and people are on edge all the time.


I hope everyone on here has a MERRY CHRISTMAS and does'nt speed through my neighborhoods.

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Its a lack of ownership. They are the ones that have control over everything yet they still get profits when their companies are posting losses. Then after firing people they sell the company and make out like bandits only to leave the next guy to fix it all :mad:


Continuing to play devils advocate....


I wouldn't call it a lack of ownership. CEO's and business owners are the first to get paid and the last to take a hit. It's their business, not the employees who work for them. Where is it written that the big bosses should hurt during the down times? The worker-bees are just that and know the drill.


My wife has her own law practice and has done quite well this year...however, the bonuses she pays her employees aren't based on the success of "her business". Just the same, the amount she draws as salary during the down times doesn't necessarily have to change either. If business slows, then she'll have to face the choice...is the business in existence to support her employees and their families or is it there to support ours? The latter is the case, that I can assure you. We're not a charity and neither are business out there today who are being forced to scale back.


Also, CEO's don't have control over everything. in the case of most companies in today's market, it's a lack of credit that is hurting them from both the procurement and sales sides


you may remember I was let-go from my relatively new job back in Aug. perfect example of being a victim....the company lost business from major existing clients. that put the past few years of employees coming on board at risk....me included.


however, that said, I can't say I'm mad at the owner...he had to scale back the people aka resources to match business. keeping employees and taking a pay cut or scaling back the other items of said business isn't the answer.


also, the fact that some CEO's and typically their CFO's and COO's cut and scale back the company to make them more attractive for a sale and thenm reap the rewards of a sale isn't a bad thing either. Again, that's the name of the game. If the existing team can't manage it or doesn't feel it's worth play the game anymore, they cash out and sell. that's in turn is where perhaps a Capital Equity/Private Equity company comes into play. In fact, that's often what P.E. firms do...buy poorly producing businesses, get them up and running and flip them. No harm there either.

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I made it through our first round of layoffs. Not a fun week. A lot of walking around on eggshells. I guess you just keep working as hard as you can and not worry about it. I've built up a nice little nest egg so if it happens I'll be ok for 8-9 months.


You could guess most of the people that were going to get layed off. Most were dead weight anyway. If we have to have another round, we'll be actually losing good people :(

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I just got notice from the union on Friday that there will be about 65-80 people laid off here in Columbus outa the 12K. And I'm on the list and I may not be able to bump lower seniority guys to keep mine just because I'm over qualified to do there job.
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