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Massive Shit Brewing


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ah, the b jizzles. i hate it when you shit and its so nasty the only way to get clean is with a shower.


You need to invest in wet ones. You know the ones you use on babies? They work great when its nasty like you described above.

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I swear I took a shit once and it was steaming. Sure you might say if your outside and its cold you might see a piping hot shit steaming. But I was indoor and it was summertime. I couldnt believe it. Thought it was some type of dooky oasis or mirage. I got down on the side of the bowl so I could see the crest of it and I actually seen the odor or whatever it was raising out of the bowl. Like the phoenix it rose from the shit and dissipated into thin air. True story.
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I swear I took a shit once and it was steaming. Sure you might say if your outside and its cold you might see a piping hot shit steaming. But I was indoor and it was summertime. I couldnt believe it. Thought it was some type of dooky oasis or mirage. I got down on the side if the bowl so I could see the crest of it and I actually seen the odor or whatever it was raising out of the bowl. Like the phoenix it rose from the shit and dissipated into thin air. True story.


OK whatever you were on you need to share with the rest of the class. Sounds very trippy. Sign me up!

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Hmm internet phone ftw as I'm taking my 3rd shit of the day.... bad combo b dubs yesterday chipotle lunch an taquitos (sp?) for dinner... problem is right now I don't have the shits but I've got a dangler that's just chillen ahhh I've wiped for 20 minit seeems more shit!!
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Oh and another thing, this dude who is a total fucking asshole, most disrespectful person I have ever met, he is an inmate at the prison I work at, he is locked up in segergation for being in a fight, while he is in seg hes not allowed to have anything not even TP, when he has to go he has to ask for it and we give me what we feel is enough for a use, either way since this guys is a fucking nut sack ass hole to me, I gave him this cheap ass bob barker toilet paper thats only 1 ply so thin you can see through it, I gave him 2 2by 2 squares and told him to use to careful.
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