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Goodness in people

El Karacho1647545492

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I don't know how many of you have been following this, nor do I really care if there's another thread about it.



-F/A-18 pilot on training mission loses power to one engine, tries to fly back to Miramar (San Diego)

-Loses power to 2nd engine, by all accounts goes into a flatspin (Top Gun anyone?), ejects.

-out of control plane hits SD suburb, demolishing one house containing a woman, grandmother, infant, and small child all related to one Korean man who was at work

-Korean man prays for pilot, hoping that he doesn't feel remorse for the accident


My god. I hear stories all the time of people going out of their way to help those who are less fortunate, but here is a man who has lost everything and yet asks for nothing, places blame on no one but chance, and who holds no grudge against the one person the media would love to villify in this whole thing. I'm not normally moved by these human interest stories but I am utterly dumbfounded by this man's composure.


In this time of hardship for all Americans we should take a lesson from a man who has only been in this country half his life.

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to everyone....watch the video that's in that artical. WOW....talk about a strong man. no way I could stay composed like he did. prayers for him for sure. no matter how bad our economy is, our holidays won't be as difficult as his.


as a side note....the sounds of those jets in the background....I don't think i would be able to stand hearing them any more either.

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to everyone....watch the video that's in that artical. WOW....talk about a strong man. no way I could stay composed like he did. prayers for him for sure. no matter how bad our economy is, our holidays won't be as difficult as his.


as a side note....the sounds of those jets in the background....I don't think i would be able to stand hearing them any more either.

Yea if I were him and those jets were flying over I think that would have sent me over the edge.

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Wow, thanks for posting. This is very humbling. I’m kind of dealing with a shitty situation(s) in my life now and I’m angry at everything/one. This man who by all accounts should be pissed at the world is…Forgiving……


Best of luck getting through the shit

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The pilot was out of control, couldn't get the plane to do anything, he punched out. At that point the plane was going to do what it was going to do. The pilot must feel bad, the guy must not be really happy.


I know I would realize that there was nothing that could be done but I would still be enraged.

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wow. i don't think i would necessarily be mad at the pilot but just question why it happened to me. i would understand that the pilot did his best he could until the very last minute before it would take his life and others depending on the crash. Life is a bitch but you have to make the best of it no matter what the situation is. If you let life get you down then it will only make things worse. Sorry to the guy who lost most of his family.
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We had a midair at Pennescola occur when I was down there for primary. One of the planes had to be ditched in the water, and the pilot and trainer punched out, but it was a close thing to some beach property. Speaking as an ex-pilot I can imagine what the pilot in this situation is feeling, these apre people who are driven to protect the people in this country, so this would be hitting him hard (I am speculating). But I do know he doesnt have the luxury of coming out with a statement all on his own.


I cant even imagine what its like for the man who lost his family. I'd have a pistol in my mouth by now. He is a rolemodel to us all.

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