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Fuck mother fucking rapist.


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My lil sister who just came out of the hospital for attempting to kill herself. Long story but short being molested once before caused her to be unstable.



Well she was fucking raped last night. The guy is in police custody. He's lucky I anit got my hands around his fucking throat. FUCK.


Were all worried about a fucking street racer blah blah


This fucker prolly ruined my sisters life and I'm sure he will get off easy. FUCK HIM


sorry wanted to rant

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Well that's fucked up.


I dont think I would be handling it so lightly/calmly.








The fucked up part there anit a single fucking punishment other then death I will be happy with.


He's lucky he's in a cruiser right now.


I hope he has a bumpy ride and they make sure they know at the jail he raped a child. Even crimnals dislike that shit. I will be posting up all his info as soon as I get it because I could care less what happens to the fucker.


If I knew where he worked I would have his job right now hopfully he loses it anyways.












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Holy shit. Say the word, all of CR will join together and make this mother f'er feel pain if he gets off. I hope she's OK... :mad:


Since this site is now being monitored by the LEO, statements like this should not be said.






PS - Sorry for your sis, and I hope he gets what he deserves.

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Guest tbutera2112
Since this site is now being monitored by the LEO, statements like this should not be said.






PS - Sorry for your sis, and I hope he gets what he deserves.


i know where to hide the body :ninja:

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Since this site is now being monitored by the LEO, statements like this should not be said.






PS - Sorry for your sis, and I hope he gets what he deserves.


I have no problem stating that if I was in Thorne's situation, I'd MURDER that motherfucker.



There. I said it.

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I hope he has a bumpy ride and they make sure they know at the jail he raped a child.


they have a special jail, i think in chillicothe... or maybe circleville... anyway, its a special jail for pedos. i dont know if every one of em goes there, but a lot do. they cant be in general population for the exact reason you mentioned. child rapists are probably the lowest rung in prison heirarchy. car theives are near the top for some reason...


but yea, the pedos, hey get fucked up and bad by the other inmates.


sorry to hear about your sister, but thank god they caught the prick.

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they have a special jail, i think in chillicothe... or maybe circleville... anyway, its a special jail for pedos. i dont know if every one of em goes there, but a lot do. they cant be in general population for the exact reason you mentioned. child rapists are probably the lowest rung in prison heirarchy. car theives are near the top for some reason...


but yea, the pedos, hey get fucked up and bad by the other inmates.


sorry to hear about your sister, but thank god they caught the prick.

This pisses me off, stick them where they can get whats coming to them. Special jail?!?!?! Fuck that.

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