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An example of why I don't allign myself with christian faith.


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I don't align my self with a particular religious belief. People can have what ever god they want. However I do feel that no matter your religion there IS another piece to the puzzle and its all how you look at it. Religion to me means having faith in something (Jesus, Buddha, or the Fauns). That faith undeniably affects people. Your example of Hitler is a good one. How many Jewish people were killed because of Hitler’s actions, how many survived? If they were praying to god to save them or have someone kill Hitler and it didn’t happen was that prayer all for nothing? Or did the FAITH and belief in that prayer give them the strength to hind for another 10 months and survive? Did that prayer they said right before they were shot in the head fail because the gun didn’t jam and save them? Or did it work because right before they died they had faith that everything was going to be okay? FAITH in something to believe in, what ever god you choose to put your faith in is your choice.
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Guest tbutera2112
I want people to live there life happy not because they think a almight power will punish them but because they want to be good people. I'm not shoving my beliefs down anyone's throat. They can choose to click a this thread or not.


But the christians who come to my door to tell me about the love of christ and how i should visit there church are a totally different story.


For too long many non christians have been quite for fear of persucution.


Christian Bible states that god gave man free will.


why do you care what the bible says if you dont believe in it? :wtf:


you coming online posting this where we see it is the same as me coming to your door and bible thumping...you say dont open the thread, well when the christians come to your door, do not answer it...if youre unaware thats who they are, close the door once they introduce themselves

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Guest tbutera2112



and if god gave man free will, then why do you assume there is no god because people use their free will? hitler made his own choices, and god did not murder him, therefore god doesnt exist? sounds more like god gave hitler the right to make his own choices, so he did...and if you believe in christianity, you would believe he also payed for it when he finally did die....im not arguing for or against any religion... i have my own beliefs, but those are not what is in question here...just pointing out that you try soooo hard to tell people you hate god, when is enough going to be enough

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