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An example of why I don't allign myself with christian faith.


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True, but nothing can top








SnoBall® Ornaments


What you need:

  • 1 package (3.5 ounces) Hostess® SnoBalls®
  • White frosting
  • Red licorice strings
  • Gumdrops
  • Small candies or cake sprinkles, as desired.

Frost bottom of one SnoBall®. Create a loop with one 7-inch licorice string by bringing ends together. Place ends in frosting on SnoBall®, allowing the loop to extend out beyond edge of SnoBall® about 2 inches. Top with second SnoBall®, gluing the bottoms together to create a sphere. Use more licorice string or decorate with frosting to cover the seam between the two SnoBalls®.


Slice a gumdrop in half lengthwise. Use the sticky surfaces of gumdrop to act as glue and position gumdrop on each side of the licorice loop to resemble the top of an ornament.


Decorate outside of SnoBall® ornament as desired with small candies or cake sprinkles, or write a short phrase, such as “Let It Snow” on the side. Allow frosting to dry completely.


Makes 1 SnoBall® Ornament.





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So where does that leave out you making the choice between 2 things?



I hate having to explain this, because I feel like I do it every month.(thanks thorne)


OK, lets start.


You have a choice between two things. We'll make this extra tasty (by which I mean oversimplified) and say a "wrong" and a "right". Now lets toss in a magical force that already knows what you're going to choose regardless of the circumstances contained therein said "choice". This being knows that little johnny is a bad, bad, boy, so he is going to choose the "wrong" thing. Everyone still with me ?




Now lets complicate the matter by adding in the fact that not only does this "force" control our little johnny, but every other lifeform from human to amoeba. Not only does his choice dictate the flow of space and time for johnny, but for potentially everything on the planet. Ripple effect. Getting pretty hairy now huh ?


Well that's not it. Not only do johnny's choices have such monumental affect on the planet, but so do everyone elses. So now we are getting into extra-dimensional theory. Which is fine and all considering this being is all powerful. That definitely sounds within the realm of "all powerful", but we forget that before christians had to make up answers for science, the bible was interpreted as pretty much literal fact(contradictions and all). In the bible (as we discussed) it talks of god being in the future. Now. Right now as in now ... now. So if he is there waiting for us, being with us, already was with us (whatever), than he already knows what you're going to do regardless of the choice. So if he already knows ... than ...


YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE. Because its already done.

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to answer thorne, no one knows, no one will ever know. You choose your path and believe what you want to believe. It dosen't make sense, God had his only son killed, does that make sense to you? Good luck in your quest for answers....
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YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE. Because its already done.

So I didn't have a choice at lunch today. I was bound by fate to get chipotle (not only because I had a gift card mind you), and not only Chipotle, but get a steak burrito, with cheese, sour cream and quacamole. It was not my choice to wash this down with a cherry pepsi too.

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^ That's exactly right. (if you believe in an omnipotent god)

I see exactly what you talk about since free will and omnipotency tend to clash with each other. I've taken the Theology classes and Catechism (spelling), and since I'm rusty on my teachings, I can't prove a better point. But, in the same right I do believe in Free Will and the fact that everyone can choose their own path, and their own actions. And blaming one's actions upon God, is quite worthless in that sense.

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That is why it is "FAITH"....If it was a scientific FACT there would be no Faith at all, and it would be pointless. This debate will never be answered until you are dead, or God chooses to come back and reveal himself. Until then, you just have to either have faith or don't have faith that there is A God, and only 1 true God.....
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