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Ever have your alarm clock just not go off?


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Or am I the only one this happens to?


Set alarm clock for 6:30am, wake up at 7:40, work starts at 7:30......fuck.


I specifically remember setting it last night, too. Now usually I wake up before the alarm anyways, but last night I was extra tired. Damn I hate being late for work. :mad:


Only happens about once every few months, it seems. This happen to anyone else?

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Nope, maybe you should get a better alarm clock. When I set mine to 6:30am it goes off at 6:30am. Now I have set it to 6:30PM by mistake then it doesn’t go off at 6:30am like I need it to. There have also been times I thought I hit the snooze button and ended up turning it off and instead of waking up 9 minutes later its 39 minutes later. Waking up late does sucks ass.
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It's a fairly new one; only about a year old. And it's not the type that one could just ignore. It's loud and won't shut up until you do something with it.


I've also pulled the stunt where I turn it off (it's across the room so I have to get up to do so), go back to bed, only to wake up 15 minutes later on my own and go, 'why the hell did I just do that?' Ugh, sleep walking FTL.

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Or am I the only one this happens to?


Set alarm clock for 6:30am, wake up at 7:40, work starts at 7:30......fuck.


I specifically remember setting it last night, too. Now usually I wake up before the alarm anyways, but last night I was extra tired. Damn I hate being late for work. :mad:


Only happens about once every few months, it seems. This happen to anyone else?

Had it happened, too. I do have a few possible excuses for it, though, as it's happened quite a few times with me. Even with different clocks. After a few times, I wasn't so sure it was the clock's fault. Here are my possible reasons:


(Having a hard time thinking/talking right now thanks to this bearded fuck (can't remember his name) yelling at me on this Mighty Mendit infomercial.)


Okay, he's gone.

1. You set it for pm instead of am.


2. You just plain forgot to turn it on.


3. You shut it off and forgot about it.


4. It went off, you slept through it and the snooze alarm. (If your clock has one. And some only go off once, etc. If yours snoozes, how long does it znooze for, can you adjust the time it goes off for and/or the duration?)

This is a plausible explanation if it catches you in a deep sleep or REM cycle.


5. It's a piece a shit and doesn't always work.


6. Someone's sneaking into your house and turning it off while you sleep.


You can try just using a different alarm clock to wake up to for awhile if it's a problem, though you did mentioned this was a rare occurence.

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Or am I the only one this happens to?


Only happens about once every few months, it seems. This happen to anyone else?


YES! Only happens once every couple months. I thought I was the only one who experienced this. I will tell people that my alarm just doesn't go off sometimes, and they say I'm crazy.

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