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Pirates Properly Pwnt

Science Abuse

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Now this is one area i believe we should step in at. More of a protection than take over on our part. Hell i remember the MISTAKEN attempt at approaching our Navy earlier this year. FUCK them, this is what drives up prices for everyone and causes poor conditions.


If we just gave everyone a nice PAID escort along with the support of Russia and a few others maybe we could help bring back some decent prices on things for everyone.

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it was being chased by pirates in speedboats armed with heavy machine guns and rocket launchers.




What the fuck kind of pirates are those? Fucking wannabes.

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What the fuck kind of pirates are those? Fucking wannabes.


Serious, I could push that dude in the yellow shorts over... He's nothing but skin and bones.

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That show on discovery channel about advanced weapons once explained someone made un-manned small speed boats with large machine guns. This would be a perfect place to test out a fleet of them. They had normal camera, night vision, radar, and a large PA speaker. You could easily patrol a large area with your men far away from the battle.
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That show on discovery channel about advanced weapons once explained someone made un-manned small speed boats with large machine guns. This would be a perfect place to test out a fleet of them. They had normal camera, night vision, radar, and a large PA speaker. You could easily patrol a large area with your men far away from the battle.

Why would you need all that? By the looks of this operation, you could secure the seas with a batch of hillbillies in bassboats.

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Why would you need all that? By the looks of this operation, you could secure the seas with a batch of hillbillies in bassboats.





Hillbilly One-"Hey Bill did you get that new shotgun"


Hillbilly Two-"Yeah Fred lets go get some pirates"


Hillbilly One-"Dont forget the fishin poles"


Hillbilly Two-"Aight"


Sorry but that was what went thru my head when i read that.

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