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surprised no one's suggested Judge Judy yet.



either way, just prosecute it as civil. even if it is indeed a criminal matter in one light, it won't be hard to paint you as vindictive and petty from another light.

1800 is not petty

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do you do anything as far as settlements on PI claims? im trying to determine what would be reasonable for me to go after from my accident in april once i (hopefully) get done with treatment in a couple months. i wont go into too much detail here, but if you want, i can PM you.

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do you do anything as far as settlements on PI claims? im trying to determine what would be reasonable for me to go after from my accident in april once i (hopefully) get done with treatment in a couple months. i wont go into too much detail here, but if you want, i can PM you.

I generally see 2-3x medical bills. Unless the chiro runs up 10k for a sprain. If you are under care for longer than 6 weeks you better have some decent diagnostics to substantiate the need for that care (MRI/CT NCV/EMG etc.). The largest PI bill I have ever had was 11k but we had multiple levels of disc involvement in the cervical and lumbar. They also had several complicating factors that extend the need for care beyond 6 weeks.


If the at fault is Allstate insured all bets are off. You will not get enough to pay your medical unless you go to trial. Even then most of the time juries are conservative in the settlements that are handed out. The last case I testified in, the lady had 12k in medical including me, Physical Medicine Rehab Dr. MRI's, Pain management. The verdict was in her favor for a whopping 4K. Luckily the doctors forgave the debts because we knew she got robbed. On top of that, 3 of the jurors were patients of mine.

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no sprain here.


i was going for a while and they were thinking it wasn't anything major. after some time and me google searching, my thoughts were a possible bulging disc. i mentioned it to him, and he said if the adjustments dont help over X amount of time, he will order the MRI. well, i was feeling better, but at random times i would feel a pinch in my back if i moved wrong, sometimes i would wake up with pain from my back thru my ass and ending just above my knee, but most would go away in a couple days.


last weekend i was leaning over looking for something in a drawer and stood up and almost fell over i got a pinch of pain so bad...i got the same pain from going from a sitting down position and going to a standing up position, so i went to the ER. they just gave me some pain meds and told me to follow up with my dr. i went in monday, he sent me for an MRI tuesday which showed i had a bulging disc (L5 S1 i believe), as well as i believe he saw there was a good bit of degeneration in that disc...


i had bills between the ER from the day of the accident, the xray department, and the chiro from may-nov was up to around $3700 as of now... i haven't gotten the bill from the ER from last weekend, and from what he said, the spinal decompression therapy alone is going to be ~$4k (200/treatment x 20), adjustments/e-stim is another 65$ or so.


mine and the guy at fault both have statefarm. currently, my policy is paying the medical, and wil subrogate (sp?) once im finished with the medical, so they're not submitting bill after bill after bill.

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I don't handle injury's that go that far in treatment. I will settle minor inj claims, but like the dr said if it goes on too long you have to have supporting evidence that it was nec and we have reps that work specifically with that. I would be more than happy to answer any questions you over pm.
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i guess im just debating on if i should hire an attorney for an injury like this, and give up ~30% of my settlement or if i should try to handle it myself...


Our stats show the increase in atty rep'd settlement is minimal, certainly dosen't make up for the 1/3. the positive to an atty is you don't have to deal with anything.

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