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Obama planning to scrap the shuttle replacement?


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President-elect's transition team planning to use decades-old military rockets instead, say insiders.


President-Elect Obama's transition team is planning to scrap NASA's Ares program, the successor to the Space Shuttle, say NASA advisors. The transition team is demanding deep cuts from the agency, and is investigating whether old military rockets such as the Delta IV and Atlas V could be used in place of Ares.


NASA plans a permanent moon base by 2020, followed by a manned mission to Mars; plans which the agency says require Ares.


The Space Shuttle is due to make its last flight in 2010. Without a replacement, NASA may be without a manned space capability entirely, for the first time since the 1960s, a gap that NASA says would destroy the U.S.'s primacy in space technology.


Prior news reports have hinted at a great deal of tension between Obama's team and NASA, a report that NASA Administrator Michael Griffon has denied.


On the campaign trail, Obama blew both hot and cold on plans for NASA's budget. In the NASA-friendly states of Texas and Florida, he promised to expand NASA's budget by more than 10%. In other states, however, he promised cuts and delays to the agency, in order to help fund his education policies.


Lori Garver, a space policy advisor for Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, was selected by Obama to lead the NASA review transition team. Despite being criticized for her lack of an engineering or scientific background, Garver has been called a favorite to be the next NASA Administrator.


Ares program manager Steve Cook says that, with Ares due for its first test flight next summer, halting the program now would be an expensive mistake. "We would be really stepping backwards" by opting for a different launch platform.


Space Historian Andrew Chaikin said that, "Obama's first priority for NASA should be to get the Shuttle's replacement on track".






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Where does education rank for you? :rolleyes:


Considering how our system needs scrapped entirely and a fresh start in a completely different direction, and considering how that won't be happening any time soon, I rank it pretty low in comparison to NASA. But well above social programs, where cuts are needed.


Throwing money at education doesn't work, that's been proven time and time again, the money just falls into a black hole and no one has any idea what happened to it. At least with space travel we can eventually start over fresh on a new planet.

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Education #1


Just because of the failure of a implentation does not mean we should just give up on it. We need to think about america's place in the global market.

Yes, even more funding towards today's failed education system.

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New's I've read after this announcement/rumor is that Obama will be supporting the Bush Campaigns goals for moon missions by 2020. So yeah looks as if we're be losing reentering shuttle's and such but likely be going back to rockets.
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No shit? I think that was a;ready established.


NASA had a new rocket system slated for the shuttle replacement as part of a plan to colonize the moon by 2020. Now, Nobama is trying to kill that idea. He also promised Texas and Florida, key NASA states, a 10% increase in the NASA budget. He's backing down from that now.


Again, he's a piece of shit.

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No shit? I think that was a;ready established.


NASA had a new rocket system slated for the shuttle replacement as part of a plan to colonize the moon by 2020. Now, Nobama is trying to kill that idea. He also promised Texas and Florida, key NASA states, a 10% increase in the NASA budget. He's backing down from that now.


Again, he's a piece of shit.

No shit? I think that was already established in the reading above.


Now NASA is saying they need Ares and a new shuttle replacement? Blowing money on old technology (which I'm sure they are smart enough to figure something else out) and wanting more money for old and new? Who knows if that was in the original budget. I'm all for NASA, just wondering about the whole background of this story.

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I've been following this since the first mention of his advisers visiting NASA. The article misrepresents what is actually going on.... by that I mean it's horse shit and is blowing things out of proportion.

-The transition team is trying to find ways to save money.

-NASA is intensely defensive of their products and have "puffed their chests" very large over this.


I personally think that the white house should stay the fuck out of NASA's buisness. Just sign the check.

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Name his as-of-yet cabinet members and your top three favorite policies of his that set him apart from other candidates.


Your answer:




"He's black."




Ron Kirk ,hilda solis,Mary Schapiro, ray lahood,Tom Vilsack....


do you want me to keep going?


his economy change plan, health care, and his view on the war. im not some dumb fucking kid, i know what im talking about, i thought we shut the political shit down last month, you guys need to get a fucking life and deal with it. if mccain was so great why isnt he the next president? hmmm is it cause hes white? nope, and its not cause obama is black either, we are just tired of living in this shitty ass econmony that the bush admin. created and no one wants another 4 yrs of this shit. so clean your vaginas and get in line

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Ron Kirk ,hilda solis,Mary Schapiro, ray lahood,Tom Vilsack....


do you want me to keep going?

his economy change plan, health care, and his view on the war. im not some dumb fucking kid, i know what im talking about, i thought we shut the political shit down last month, you guys need to get a fucking life and deal with it. if mccain was so great why isnt he the next president? hmmm is it cause hes white? nope, and its not cause obama is black either, we are just tired of living in this shitty ass econmony that the bush admin. created and no one wants another 4 yrs of this shit. so clean your vaginas and get in line

Yes and go ahead and state their jobs as well. Please do so in a timely manner this time, as to actually give yourself some credit for knowing and not copy-pasting. It's also cute how you spontaneously chose to alternate capitalization of their names. Oh, and you didn't mention what about his policies you liked; do you really think you sound informed just by naming issues?


we are just tired of living in this shitty ass econmony that the bush admin. created


I suppose you believe the dire world economy is Bushy's fault?

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