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punk busted


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so i havent played battlefield 2 in about a year for pc and i went to pick it back up again cause i was going to play with my brother and some friends. as soon as i get into the server i was booted and punk buster said i was permanently banned by the server admin. while my friends were still in the server i had them ask the admin why he did that and it turns out he never did. punkbuster auto banned me and permanently banned me from that server and kicks me from everyother server for violating terms. so i went to pbbans.com to see what my violation was. aparently i have aimbot hacks. truth be told i have not cheated on a video game since gamegenie for NES. i have never installed aimbot or anyother hacks because i have had them used against me and it totally ruins the game for other players including myself.


so i went online and tried to appeal the ban, explained the situation and it got denied. does anyone know a way to get removed from the ban list? also i dont have any third party mods for the game that might be detected as hacks either.

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yea i been having log in problems before that when i quit playing. but no no one uses my cd key but me. when you get banned it only bans the ip address not the gamer tag so i just reinstalled it on a different computer at my apt and it works fine. i just have the problem with the one computer.



and yes i still have the card. will send you a pm

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dealing with PBBANS is a complete joke you can appeal the ban and they have the right to remove it but they won't. Your best bet is to buy the game again if you really want to playit on a PB sever.


If you try to appeal it you will need to find out if PB banned you or if it was done by a admin. If it was done by PB you are SOL if it was done by a admin you can try to argue the point they were being a hardass and did a global ban but still they will more often then not uphold the ban.

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  xTHExBOSSx46 said:
yea i been having log in problems before that when i quit playing. but no no one uses my cd key but me. when you get banned it only bans the ip address not the gamer tag so i just reinstalled it on a different computer at my apt and it works fine. i just have the problem with the one computer.



and yes i still have the card. will send you a pm


thats not a IP ban thats a hardware ban.

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