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I HAVE ALCOHOL and stuff


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Final death toll was 5 or 6 bottles of wine, 1 bottle of Champagne, 2/3 of a bottle of Pyrat, 1/2 of a bottle of Jameson, quite a bit of Tittos and 2 beers.


Was that Mikes Kettle One that didn't get touched our yours? It's over here if it's yours and you want it back, or I can get it to you to get back to him. You know I usually only drink Titto's so it will just sit. I also got a 4 pack of No Fear that didn't get touched since you brought over the Rock Stars. They Kettle One and No Fear's can stay over here for you and Joe if you want.


I didn't get to try any of the wine you brought over, too busy drinking rum. :o


BTW, on the OP, if you have to 'stock up' for a small party, you aren't doing it right. I understand if you're having a big party, but not to have a few people over.




Who showed you Tito's? HUH?! SAY MY NAME!

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Ummm, no. We probably both heard about it from Aaron. I know that's who I heard about it from.





Lies. My mom showed me Titos because she worked in austin near teh factory. I showed you Tito's one night at my crib. Suck it.



(Im arguing with you about your own memory. Sweet.)

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BTW, on the OP, if you have to 'stock up' for a small party, you aren't doing it right. I understand if you're having a big party, but not to have a few people over.




See us alcoholics or "drinkers" tend to drink everything at the house until its all gone. Then we go buy more. I used to have many bottles of vodka, rum, and wine sitting around but not anymore. If I open a bottle it is gone within a few days.


Minus some of the food and my wifey's fruity drinks, all that was gone by the weekend. It was gone with the help of 1 person and myself.

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Was this like the new years "I did this thread"? Because I got so drunk off playing kings with shamponyuh that I fell asleep against a wall somewhere between standing and sitting and woke up to the Iowa game around 11am on a couch. :wtf:
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Was this like the new years "I did this thread"? Because I got so drunk off playing kings with shamponyuh that I fell asleep against a wall somewhere between standing and sitting and woke up to the Iowa game around 11am on a couch. :wtf:



That is an awesome story. At least you didn't wake up in a random person's house and not remember how you got there kekeke

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If I open a bottle it's normally gone in a day. That and along with a 12 pack just about every night. There's maybe two shots left out of a liter of Captain from New Years.


Yeah for real. Neither of us mess around when drinking ;)

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Meetings are for pussies.


I don't drink to get drunk every night. There are nights I just don't drink, but not many :).


I drink in moderation :).


a case a night is moderation???? :) That would crush me, but I don't drink very often. Hell there is a bunch of beer in my fridge now that I will probably never drink.

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a case a night is moderation???? :) That would crush me, but I don't drink very often. Hell there is a bunch of beer in my fridge now that I will probably never drink.


A case is 24. I just drink a 12 :).


Actually, now that I think about it, I rarely drink 12 in a night. more like 10 ;)


If you spread it over the course of 5-6 hours, it's only 2 beers an hour.

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