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Penn ST vs USC


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Gee, I wonder what one of the teams is playing in the Rose Bowl, could it be USC?? Out of 94-95 Rose Bowls USC has been in almost 40 of them. I'll bet no other team in the nation has more than a handful of home or near home games like USC has, who's dicks are they sucking to get home field so often??


By the way, USC lost to 1 guy by the name of Rodgers earlier this year, that should end any national championship talk for them, but it's apparantly ok for everyone in the nation to nutswing on USC.

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Gee, I wonder what one of the teams is playing in the Rose Bowl, could it be USC?? Out of 94-95 Rose Bowls USC has been in almost 40 of them. I'll bet no other team in the nation has more than a handful of home or near home games like USC has, who's dicks are they sucking to get home field so often??


By the way, USC lost to 1 guy by the name of Rodgers earlier this year, that should end any national championship talk for them, but it's apparantly ok for everyone in the nation to nutswing on USC.


I couldn't agree more, and I'm going to rant a bit. It's more than a little fucked up that USC gets to play what seems like 4,396 home games a season, including their bowl game, which is 11 fucking miles from their actual "home" stadium. In contrast, Penn State had to travel about 2600 miles - don't try to tell me that doesn't end up counting for something.


USC is a great team, and they have played excellent football for about the past eight or nine years now. They've shown up and played really well in all of their big games, and they have earned all of the respect they've garnered. But, for fuck's sake, there's only so much I can stand to listen to the entire broadcasting world annoint them the second fucking coming of Christ. What is it, some attempt by the media to squeeze as much ratings as they can from the L.A. market by continually lauding praise on USC, hoping then that L.A. continues to tune in to listen to how great USC is? I had to turn the television off - even Herbstreit was getting fucking annoying going on and on about them.

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Hmm, seems a little "sandy" in here. :D


I do agree the broadcasters were even getting a little up in USC's muff. However, it's hard not to applaud a team that has played as well as they have. They, quite possibly, have not only one of the best D's, but the best D in history. Their offense is very young and still produced the same numbers as Penn State's heralded top 5 offense. The conference isn't as weak as everyone was thinking it was, either. Not even the SEC can touch the PAC10's bowl win %, now.


I listened all year about how weak the pac 10 was and that USC didn't deserve to be considered because of it. This hurt them in the polls. Gotta say I feel a smug satisfaction so far.


And if you want a bowl here Ohio, tell whoever needs to know, to fucking get in gear. Of course, you'd still have to at least win your conference damn near every year like USC does. :p It's not like they're just given a "near home" game every year.:rolleyes: They earn it.

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I mean no disrespect to USC, no denying how good they are and any given saturday they have the potential to beat anyone. Just would like to see someone else in the Rosebowl other than them is all, obviously I think no team should be allowed a home field for a bowl game but it's all about the money obviously when it comes to these bowl games.


Props to Penn State for putting up they points they did against the "best defense ever in the world"!!

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Penn st at least put up 17 pts in the second half, which shut everyone up about USC's 2nd half shutouts. PSU actually mounted a little bit of a come back in the 2nd half, but you could tell they knew they already lost and werent really trying that hard. On the other hand USC continues to keep their starters in the whole game to rack up the score, 4th quarter and sanchez has 405 yds...put him back in! That is part of why i cant stand watching usc football, its too much like nfl...and I dont like watching nfl football
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