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Penn ST vs USC


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The best showing for the big 10 so far sadly enough has been Northwestern and Missouri. Northwestern at least lead in that game and it went into OT and lets not forget that Missouri was ranked as high as 3rd this season. I sure hope OSU can do something against Texas and save a little respect for the BIG 10...
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Hmm, seems a little "sandy" in here. :D


I do agree the broadcasters were even getting a little up in USC's muff. However, it's hard not to applaud a team that has played as well as they have. They, quite possibly, have not only one of the best D's, but the best D in history.


USC lost to Oregon State. That ends any argument of being "the best ever" at anything, except perhaps choking away easy games.

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What amazed me most about the PSU/USC game was afterwards...


JoePa is OOOOOOOOOOLD!!! I can't believe they approved a 3-year contract extension for the man...he's 82 years old! Talk about not wanting to retire. I respect the man very much, but this is bananas...

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What amazed me most about the PSU/USC game was afterwards...


JoePa is OOOOOOOOOOLD!!! I can't believe they approved a 3-year contract extension for the man...he's 82 years old! Talk about not wanting to retire. I respect the man very much, but this is bananas...


Joe Pa is of the understanding that the second he quits coaching ... he will die.


He also loves "old people" smell, and telling people to "get off his lawn" ie his football field.

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Penn State wasn't that good.I said that after the first half of the Michigan game.If Michigan had their QB the second half they would have beat them.I was really surprised when OSU lost to them.Of course the Bowl Games are all about money,how else would OSU be in the Fiesta Bowl.A bowl game here wouldn't work because no one would support it unless OSU was involved.
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Penn State wasn't that good.I said that after the first half of the Michigan game.If Michigan had their QB the second half they would have beat them.I was really surprised when OSU lost to them.Of course the Bowl Games are all about money,how else would OSU be in the Fiesta Bowl.A bowl game here wouldn't work because no one would support it unless OSU was involved.


I respectfully disagree. Bowls in "other" locations (e.g., Detroit, Boise) work reasonably well even when home teams aren't involved. There's no reason to suspect that a bowl wouldn't do equally as well here.


A pipe dream, I know. But I'd like to see how a team like Florida or USC (warm weather teams) would fare having to adjust to a cold weather climate.

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I respectfully disagree. Bowls in "other" locations (e.g., Detroit, Boise) work reasonably well even when home teams aren't involved. There's no reason to suspect that a bowl wouldn't do equally as well here.


A pipe dream, I know. But I'd like to see how a team like Florida or USC (warm weather teams) would fare having to adjust to a cold weather climate.


Thats exactly why I wish our home game vs USC next year was played in november. But Im not sure how much of a difference it would make, USC plays a completely different kind of football, sure it beats the big10 everytime, but they also lose to same crap pac-10 team everyyear. I'm almost wondering if they choke every year on purpose, so that they can get their home bowl game and not have to play a tough team in the NC and risk losing (Think texas)

Because as long as they win, while ranked high, they could still be the AP national champions and herbstreit will still lick their nuts

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Penn st at least put up 17 pts in the second half, which shut everyone up about USC's 2nd half shutouts. PSU actually mounted a little bit of a come back in the 2nd half, but you could tell they knew they already lost and werent really trying that hard. On the other hand USC continues to keep their starters in the whole game to rack up the score, 4th quarter and sanchez has 405 yds...put him back in! That is part of why i cant stand watching usc football, its too much like nfl...and I dont like watching nfl football


Uh, are you aware of how the BCS works? You are forced to score and score often. I love the hypocrisy in here. If it had been OSU, something tells me I wouldn't hear half this whining. And yes, the last game of the year counts.


USC lost to Oregon State. That ends any argument of being "the best ever" at anything, except perhaps choking away easy games.

Oregon State went 9-4 AND won their bowl game where they were unranked and considered underdogs. They've won their last 5 bowl games. After they lost their first two games (one of those to an excellent Penn State), they went on to dominate most of their games losing only to Utah by a field goal and to their rivals, Oregon, at the end of the year.

Oregon State was 29th overall on offense. Not the best, but for some comparison, let's look at OSU. They were 59th. (Yes, I know OSU's D was much better, I'm not doggin OSU, it's just a comparison.) Oregon State and the PAC10 were underated this year. This is not just me who says this, but those in the know, ie; sportscasters, coaches, etc. BTW, the PAC10 is 5-0 this bowl season. Bowls where they've been underdogs, except the Rose Bowl game, of course.


Anyway, sports debates are about as constructive as religious and political debates. :D We should probably just agree to disagree.

Edited by ImUrOBGYN
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This is from a yahoo sports artical on the USC Penn State game. Som very harsh words about the BIG 10 and the Buckeyes. Kind of hard to face the truth sometimes. :(


Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany wasn’t in the press box during the game. He was somewhere in the stands, according to a Rose Bowl official, and presumably wearing a fake mustache, dark glasses or some suitable disguise. Those who know the inner-workings of college football know that Delany is one of the fiercest opponents of a playoff. And if Delany thinks USC’s lobbying for a playoff was shrill, just wait.


It’ll get worse when Texas beats the daylights out of Ohio State in the Fiesta Bowl on Monday. Wait for the game to be played if you must, but it’s worth noting that Penn State’s loss to USC dropped the Big Ten to 1-5 in bowl games this season. Of course the only way to guarantee the Buckeyes would lose would be to put them in the BCS title game, where they got clobbered each of the past two years.

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Oregon State went 9-4 AND won their bowl game where they were unranked and considered underdogs. They've won their last 5 bowl games. After they lost their first two games (one of those to an excellent Penn State), they went on to dominate most of their games losing only to Utah by a field goal and to their rivals, Oregon, at the end of the year.

Oregon State was 29th overall on offense. Not the best, but for some comparison, let's look at OSU. They were 59th. (Yes, I know OSU's D was much better, I'm not doggin OSU, it's just a comparison.) Oregon State and the PAC10 were underated this year. This is not just me who says this, but those in the know, ie; sportscasters, coaches, etc. BTW, the PAC10 is 5-0 this bowl season. Bowls where they've been underdogs, except the Rose Bowl game, of course.


Anyway, sports debates are about as constructive as religious and political debates. :D We should probably just agree to disagree.


Thanks, but you still didn't rectify how a "greatest ever" USC team actually lost to Oregon State. Fact is, you can't rectify it because - if USC was as great as they're being made out to be - they never should have lost to that team. End that simple little story.


Now, is USC a really good team that is ultra-dangerous and playing just as good as anybody right now? Absolutely, at least I certainly think so. I'd even go so far to say that, if we had a playoff in FBS, then USC would likely have won about six national championships just this decade. Of course, we'll never know and, in the end, we're left with a bunch of silly debating.


I'll gladly agree to disagree, BTW. After all, I only ventured in here to rant (whine? :) ) a bit, not to be rational or make solid points or do anything constructive like that. :)

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This is from a yahoo sports artical on the USC Penn State game. Som very harsh words about the BIG 10 and the Buckeyes. Kind of hard to face the truth sometimes. :(


Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany wasn’t in the press box during the game. He was somewhere in the stands, according to a Rose Bowl official, and presumably wearing a fake mustache, dark glasses or some suitable disguise. Those who know the inner-workings of college football know that Delany is one of the fiercest opponents of a playoff. And if Delany thinks USC’s lobbying for a playoff was shrill, just wait.


It’ll get worse when Texas beats the daylights out of Ohio State in the Fiesta Bowl on Monday. Wait for the game to be played if you must, but it’s worth noting that Penn State’s loss to USC dropped the Big Ten to 1-5 in bowl games this season. Of course the only way to guarantee the Buckeyes would lose would be to put them in the BCS title game, where they got clobbered each of the past two years.


I guess it's just as fashionable now to hate on Ohio State as much as it's fashionable to lavish adoration on USC. This is me rolling my eyes.


Listen, Ohio State is to blame for at least some of this. They got fucking hammered by Florida - when they should have won - and then haven't shown up in two other very high profile games. The sports media/nation has a short memory - they forget how dominant Ohio State was in BCS/big games before the past 36 months. However, fact is, had Ohio State won those games, then there definitely wouldn't be all this hating going on.


All that being said, the die-hard, irrational Ohio State fan in me wants us to hand Texas their ass so that I can go on and on and fucking on to anyone that will listen about how Ohio State just fucking rolled the team that a lot of people said should have been playing for the national championship. Then, in my little dream world, Ohio State goes on to fucking hammer USC next year and I continue with my onslaught of taunting and boasting and bragging about how Ohio State has changed things and is now the juggernaut of the college football land. Please, oh please, baby football Jesus, use your magic powers to make this happen.

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I always love it when Tilley posts about college football. We share so many views.


Said it before, the weepy Pac10 v. Big10 tradition in the Rose Bowl is tired. I wish the automatic BCS tie-in's were thrown out the window, but then the BCS would fall apart because no big conference would bother as they aren't guaranteed a pay day. BCS should be on merit, not on pocketbook.


Further: I love Ohio State, but they do not deserve a BCS game - they should have been in the Capital One bowl with Georgia. That would have been a great match up and a good consolation prize for a two-loss building year. This would free up Boise State v. Utah, Penn State v. Alabama, USC v. Texas. Even though it's not Texas in the NCG it still would have been a bruising motherfucking kill fest of college football. Yes please.


I guess now we get to look forward to Monday and hope that OSU can keep it together and pull one off against a chip-on-shoulder Texas. If not, 2009 will be a long polling season...

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I love how every football analyst always forgets Oklahoma's bowl record, but can't stop bitchin about the bucks.


Preach on!!! I guess since ND sucks so bad people have to hate somebody. Yes OSU has not won some of the "big games" but this complete hate just irks me.


Maybe if tressle like hulks out and eats a kitten maybe they will layoff?


Now here is a fun little fact about this "great" Texas team. Their number one rusher is the QB.


IF OSU puts a spy on him (linebacker) and stops the big pass how long until Little Animal starts to give McCoy nightmares again?

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I think we're a better team than Texas.


That said, JT money's predictable play calling isn't going to cut it.


100% correct on that! If OSU breaks their tendancy's of play calling Texas will not know what to do.


That and Texas D-line is WAY to aggresive for a quarterback like Pryor. They need to let (or tell) Pryor to run more to so they are forced to stay at home. Then that should open up the passing game and some play action.

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This is me sprinkling little less sign three's all over this post for Kenny.


Chris, great points - you and I are very much on the same page.


I'm hoping that Texas has bought into all this hype about how they'll annhilate OSU and we can catch them sleepwalking (ala Ohio State vs. Florida in 2006).

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