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Sugar Bowl


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I have to get this out of my system.




I don't think I've ever been hotter for you than I am right now.


Fuck you, SEC. You just got fucking exploited by a non-BCS team, and you looked fucking SLOOOOOOW in the process. Utah manhandled them. Alabama managed to score exactly one offensive touchdown the entire game. Overfuckingrated is right.


P.S. Chris Green, I'm feeling you on your post about Utah, their enthusiasm, and their overall play. I was one of the people who thought they would lose - I am very happy to say I was very fucking wrong.


P.S. Kenny, just positive repped you on the SEC speed comment. Sorry, forgot to fill in a comment - I was so excited to rep you and then commence fapping that I clicked it prematurely.

Edited by nurkvinny
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I've said this all year. Utah was going to be a force to reckon with. No one believed me when I said Utah was going to stomp 'bama. Gee, and to think old Blue only lost by one point to Utah. hmmmm...
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Damn, wish I had stayed up to watch the rest of the game.


I sure as fuck hope OSU plays half as well as Utah played Alabama, Utah looked like they could play with any team in the nation last night and beat them, that or Alabama was really overrated!!

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Thanks for your email. We look forward to responding.


and I look forward to reading that reply


The reply I got back:




We appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback with us about our newest commercial.


Our signs and ads are unbranded at this point and we're glad you connected the dots back to Gatorade. The G without the bolt is meant to create excitement and talk amongst our consumers. It's upsetting to learn you don't care for these advertisements and we're sharing your feedback with our marketing team.


We hope you'll follow us on the Quest for G in the following weeks and can come to appreciate the excitement we are trying to create with the ads. We appreciate your feedback and hope you and your family will continue to be loyal Gatorade consumers.



Gatorade Consumer Relations

Ref# 026705807A


Weak, Jennifer, weak.

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Way ahead of you, but it didn't come directly from her email, so it would be a moot point.


I do like that they're sharing it with the marketing team. That should make for an amusing meeting, too bad I won't be there for input.

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You give back Alabama back their starting O-line formation and that game goes completely different, in fact i would better to estimate a complete opposite score. The was the factor in the game, having only 2 o-line starters, and then having them in their non starting position's.


Thats why they play, and Utah did well, but play that on even keel and Utah loses 9 out of 10.

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You give back Alabama back their starting O-line formation and that game goes completely different, in fact i would better to estimate a complete opposite score. The was the factor in the game, having only 2 o-line starters, and then having them in their non starting position's.


Thats why they play, and Utah did well, but play that on even keel and Utah loses 9 out of 10.


Just wait until next year, did you see that lineman they're getting? Fluker I think it was. 6'7" and 350 lbs, out of high school! Haha they said he was a 12lb baby.

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