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220 over 120 bp


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wow dude not good...did it just happen all the sudden?


I have had chest pains a lot recently and my heart rate shoots up from nothing at all and i feel like im gonna pass out but no insurance lol so i havent died yet so im sure you will be fine


hope all is well

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wow dude not good...did it just happen all the sudden?


I have had chest pains a lot recently and my heart rate shoots up from nothing at all and i feel like im gonna pass out but no insurance lol so i havent died yet so im sure you will be fine


hope all is well


That sounds like anxiety

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wow man. that is way high. You should be on bp medication. A revised diet and exercise plan woud be very prudent.


+1.I have to watch my diet,I work at Fed Ex at night for exercise and cash and take a Lisopril tablet every day and I am under control.You need to get that taken care of so you don't damage your heart forever.

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