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food poisening


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so last night i went to the bk loung around 1130 pm. it was the only place open cuase of how bad the weather was in sandusky. i grab a double whopper with cheese, some fries and a drink. get back to my friends house and bam, felt like shit. im not talking like it wasnt good, i broke out in a cold sweat, and a migrain hit immeditatly. i eneded up throwing up like 3x, and im so dehydrated. i have a tourny this weekend, and im playing like shit right now. i can barely breath and i feel like im about to pass out. oh well thats my rant
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Are you sure it wasn't that stomach bug that has been going around? I think a lot of people have caught it and mistakenly assumed they had food poisoning. That stomach bug is no joke.


In any event, sorry to hear that you're not feeling well.

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Isn't this at least the 2nd time in a few months you've had food poisoning?


What you're describing is exactly what my family has been through this past 2 weeks... 6-12 hours of chills and pukey feelings. Several co-workers and friends have also been getting this ultra-short bug.

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My girlfriend caught this shit, i think. She woke up at midnight and started puking everywhere. Her stomach started cramping up real bad and running a fever, so i got to spend the night in the ER. Fucking fun stuff.


On a related note, Licking memorial sucks cock. They refused to do any kid of check up or test to check on the babies. I'd figure if a girl comes in 4 mths pregnant with twins and is complaing of severe stomach pains they'd want to make sure everything is ok.

I need to find a new hospital for her, any ideas?

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Are you sure it wasn't that stomach bug that has been going around? I think a lot of people have caught it and mistakenly assumed they had food poisoning. That stomach bug is no joke.


In any event, sorry to hear that you're not feeling well.


when i read the title to this thread i thought, maybe thats what i got. but yea, i caught the stomach flu everyone is talkin about. it sucks. im trying to watch the ravens/titans game and i have to be on the shitter during every commercial break

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Guest tbutera2112
my dad just had this...i got some kind of sickness where i wake up in the morning and i have so much drainage and shit that i cough up chunks of stuff, its fucking gross and my throat hurts
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Guest tbutera2112
wow, my isnt that bad, or not yet at least


mines a sinus infection and it causes all kinds of drainage and its gross...not a stomach bug...my dad has that though, it lasted like 24 hours he thought it was food poisening

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