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Anyone a lock smith?


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Anyone on here good at unlocking keys from a car? My mom locked her keys in her car and it's stuck in my driveway, I don't feel like paying $100+ to have someone come out and I no longer have AAA. I know it's probably a long shot, but why not ask... Anyone?
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What location?


yeah, where are you located? I'm out east.


Not sure where you are but Gahanna and New Albany PD do a good job. Plus they are free


I have master unlock kits. where are you located?


Shit guys.... I really appericate it, but we ended up calling a locksmith yesterday around 8:30. We tried for about an hour then said Fuck it becasue she was blocking me in and called someone. We got someone out there for$80.00. But I really do appericate all the offers!

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