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Caturday + Rickroll = officially DEAD


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Pelosi’s cats co-star with Rick Astley

By Michael O’Brien

Posted: 01/13/09 08:00 PM [ET]


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) “Rickrolled” YouTube viewers Tuesday in a video designed to present her as Web-savvy while drawing attention to the new channel for the House of Representatives on the widely watched website.


Pelosi posted a video, “Speaker Pelosi Presents Cat Cam,” to her channel on the free online video site, which she has been using this week to promote the debut of the “House Hub” and its companion “Senate Hub.”


The video features two cats padding around the Speaker’s office, investigating her engraved gavel, which is lying on the carpet under a chair, and looking out on the National Mall from the vantage point of a windowsill.


Then, 37 seconds into the clip, the picture dissolves, the cats disappear, and something new cuts in. That something is a clip from Rick Astley’s classic music video for his song “Never Gonna Give You Up.”


Tricking the viewer in this way is referred to as “Rickrolling.” The viewer or listener is baited into reading or watching something on the Internet, only to find a copy of Astley’s music video instead.


“The cats are very popular on the Internet, as is Rickrolling, and we thought this would be a way to bring some attention to it,” said Pelosi spokesman Brendan Daly. “In addition, we have a more serious with [House Minority Leader John] Boehner [R-Ohio], [senate Majority Leader Harry] Reid [D-Nev.] and [senate Minority Leader Mitch] McConnell [R-Ky.].”


“I think this is part of the congressional wakening that, given the power of social networks demonstrated by the Obama campaign, Congress needs to get with the program,” said Morley Winograd, coauthor of the book Millennial Makeover: MySpace, YouTube and the Future of American Politics.


“The key to success in YouTube or any other social network is to have something that's inherently interesting, and I think that's what they're trying to get at with this choice,” Winograd added. “I think it's important for politicians using this kind of medium have a challenge to make sure their use of pop culture isn't exploitative or old-fashioned. It's a delicate line to walk.”


The Rickrolling phenomenon has grown in recent years, with the song having accrued pop-culture cachet. The television show “Family Guy” parodied the song, and the University of Michigan’s marching band Rickrolled over 100,000 fans at a halftime performance during a football game.


The trend arguably reached its apex during the 2008 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, when Astley himself emerged from a float during the parade to perform the song.


According to a nationwide poll conducted last April by SurveyUSA, roughly 18 million Americans have been Rickrolled, though that only represents 6 percent of the total adult population. The poll had a 3.2 percent margin of error.


Listen up you wrinkled ass cuntwad, you know nothing about the internet generation. Just because one of your interns told you about some OLD jokes doesn't mean you need to try and use them in order to look up to date, it just makes you look like the annoying 90 year old bat we all know you are. Hurry up and lose your next election to that psycho bitch Cindy Sheehan, and forget about politics.

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It's german so the OE becomes and AI. I'd assume sounds like bayner or benner.



-And Pelosi, I hope you and Ted Kennedy die in a car crash comsumed with fire. That would make my soul smile.



Make sure Caroline Kennedy and Diane Feinstein are along for the trip, too.

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