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I'm glad GW was in versus Gore during 9/11, for the Democrats don't have a spine to face the world. As the pendulum swung to the right, it's going to go way far left now.




So you just generalized an entire group of politicians... with what information to back that up, exactly? You do realize that one of the problems with world/american politics is that people have become so immersed in one party in the two party system that they make horrible assumptions and statements like this. Also, to participate in your exercise in mental futility, saying that obama is "way far left" without saying that George Bush is "way far right" is absolutely fucking retarded, and does nothing but show everyone that your opinions come from a very small amount of information and a very select group of sources.


As an aside... Why does America have to "face the rest of the world?" How does it benefit us to set ourselves against everyone else? I'm sure you're going to say "they hate us anyway, so fuck'em".... but how smart is that? If you take a look at why the rest of the world hates us (Maybe it has something to do with our outlandish military and financial support of a nation that has been condemned by the rest of the world as atrocious and dangerously militant), and then consider some ways to fix those problems/repair burnt bridges, wouldnt that bring you closer to a solution that doesn't have us ruining our economy and throwing away hundreds of thousands or millions of lives across the world?

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So you just generalized an entire group of politicians... with what information to back that up, exactly? You do realize that one of the problems with world/american politics is that people have become so immersed in one party in the two party system that they make horrible assumptions and statements like this. Also, to participate in your exercise in mental futility, saying that obama is "way far left" without saying that George Bush is "way far right" is absolutely fucking retarded, and does nothing but show everyone that your opinions come from a very small amount of information and a very select group of sources.


As an aside... Why does America have to "face the rest of the world?" How does it benefit us to set ourselves against everyone else? I'm sure you're going to say "they hate us anyway, so fuck'em".... but how smart is that? If you take a look at why the rest of the world hates us (Maybe it has something to do with our outlandish military and financial support of a nation that has been condemned by the rest of the world as atrocious and dangerously militant), and then consider some ways to fix those problems/repair burnt bridges, wouldnt that bring you closer to a solution that doesn't have us ruining our economy and throwing away hundreds of thousands or millions of lives across the world?


Lord knows I wish the 2 party system will fucking end. As I stated in my pendulum analogy, it goes sometimes way far right, and again swings way far left. It's an over compensation for what Bush's policies have been the last 8 years. As your peace loving statement is concerned, I wish for the Love of God we would be more like Israel at times. I don't know about you, but anytime American lives are in danger, or allies of ours, we should act. Yes, I can agree with your bully statement about us being the world militant. But, talk is just that, fucking talk. You think countries like Pakistan, and Iran give a fuck about talk? No, they'll go about their merry way of doing what they do. Now atleast Pakistan got on board a little, but at the moment is slipping into the grasp of the radical Muslim sects. If you don't already know, we have people on the ground in Africa, for various reasons. Being the paramount that all countries look to in the world, we are one big ass target. Maybe you don't realize people are trying everday to ruin everything about your life. Maybe it's just me that loves my FREEDOM and COUNTRY, but I think given the power to stop these aggressions, we should. If you haven't noticed a lot of world conflicts we step balls deep in, end up being politically controlled and driven. No longer do OUR military leaders get a say in their own operations. It would be like me coming to your kitchen and telling you how to prepare a fucking cheese burger. I'll agree that the military actions we take, drive us further in debt, and that should be fixed. No longer do we have the WWII type war push, and the huge influx of jobs. Maybe Mr.O can take a salty taste of Clinton out of the mouths of Americans.

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Jon, we send aid to a lot of countries, not just Israel. How do we determine what countries deserve it and which don't?


Israel was created by the Allies after WWII (WASN'T JUST US, LOL), so would it be fair to just throw them to the wolves surrounding them? HAY LOOK GUISE, HERE'S A COUNTRY FOR YOUS, GOOD LUCK WITH UR NEIGHBORS THAT H8 YOU!


I think one of the problems with the way we wage war is that politicians are scared to become demonized. After all of the terrible dictators throughout the last 100 years, plus the failed attempts at fighting the Commies, they are simply afraid to go all in and do what is needed to 100% end threats against us. There is too much hope that we can make people like us by throwing money at them, or saying nice things, or trying to get the UN to step in and write a letter, but the truth is that there are nasty people out there who know nothing more than to destroy anything that is better than them.


Instead of having an inferiority complex and trying to burn the planet to the ground one RPG at a time, how about they try to better their life rather than end it? Oh wait, those people immigrate to the U.S....


I wonder why.

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Politics are stupid


Its nothing more than one group taking or borrowing from another to try and reinvent something thats already been done 1000000000000 times. Tax this, bomb that, take this, give that.. No wait... bomb this, give that.. No no no.. tax that, bomb this... AHHH!


We should stop calling them politicians and just call them what they really are.. fuck ups that are well spoken. I also fee the President is more interchangable than legos. No matter who is in office we are doomed



In before they tax ammo and stabbing people makes a comeback :p

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i gave my 2 weeks notice at work last week. hell, obama is gonna give everybody everything so why work right?



and has anyone notice the unemployment rate? its at the highest its been in 16years. and guess who was leaving office 16 years ago. you guessed it, the fuck ups dad. so does anyone see the pattern here? who all got richer in the bush's terms. and yes both bush's.


He did everything people was saying. Made the rich richer, the poor poorer, and middle class (working people) are slowing goin away..... shipping the jobs to mexico............


Go republicans. and i know what all you repbs. are gonna say, "Its not bush's falt" dumb fuck look at the patterns and tell me its not...


I'm more a dem. but i'm not sure obama has the balls to do what he says and i'm just too damn poor to vote repb.

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i gave my 2 weeks notice at work last week. hell, obama is gonna give everybody everything so why work right?



and has anyone notice the unemployment rate? its at the highest its been in 16years. and guess who was leaving office 16 years ago. you guessed it, the fuck ups dad. so does anyone see the pattern here? who all got richer in the bush's terms. and yes both bush's.


He did everything people was saying. Made the rich richer, the poor poorer, and middle class (working people) are slowing goin away..... shipping the jobs to mexico............


Go republicans. and i know what all you repbs. are gonna say, "Its not bush's falt" dumb fuck look at the patterns and tell me its not...


I'm more a dem. but i'm not sure obama has the balls to do what he says and i'm just too damn poor to vote repb.


Actually, the unemployment rate during W's terms were similar to Clinton, only the average for W's unemployment rate is better then Clinton's. To be quite frank, I think you're a deuce-partisan guy who lacks much knowledge on anything political.

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and one more to help out some.....


from 92-2000 the rate went down very year. and keep in mind the population has gone up every year so more workers,


from 2000-2003 in increased then droped little and is now at record highs...

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Notice the similarity in averages of the terms.


If you keep watching the media charging forth with their "economic woes" stories monthly, then of course you'll miss out on the annual statistics. I did not deny this slum of an economy, I simply pointed out your ignorance. You also failed to look at W's terms in context of the world economy. This is not strictly a U.S. problem. We're also in a war, and history shows dramatic downfall of economy during wartime; surprisingly, though, ours has not fallen as flat as previous wartimes. Clinton's economy thrived during the internet boom as well as being post-war, yet Bush's economy differs slightly, despite being in a world economic crisis as well as two wars.


I hope you can see what I'm trying to show you, that it does not seem that you take things past what you have read, watched or heard.

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