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Time Warner


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Is anyone else's cable screwing up.... some times at certian times it sounds like I blew the T.V. speakers and thats if I can get the sound to quit cutting in and out. And to top that off it takes extra long for a chanel to show up, te speed channel hasn't worked in 2 days. This is happening at my parents as well as my apt.
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Yes, I hate Time Warner! I should have canceled it after the install guy couldn't do his job. This motherfucker had, and I kid you not, 3 separate lines of cable running into my hose from the back and side and it was all going to the same connecter!? He left because it was dark and my cable was coming in really fuzzy. So after he left I went back through and disconnect about 15-20 feet of cable and 6 connectors, ran 2 lines into the house, one to the TV one to my modem and what do you know…clear cable. Now the info/ guide will read No Data at random time then for no fucking reason the cable box will just reboot and take 10 minutes to do so. I hate there customer service dept, hate their service and installers, nothing but shitty service all around here. The only reason we have them is for the NHL center ice package.
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Is anyone else's cable screwing up.... some times at certian times it sounds like I blew the T.V. speakers and thats if I can get the sound to quit cutting in and out. And to top that off it takes extra long for a chanel to show up, te speed channel hasn't worked in 2 days. This is happening at my parents as well as my apt.


try rebooting your cable box that should fix the speed channel issue.


over all we haven't have and real problems other than slow response when changing changes.

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No problems here, really.


I do the occasional reboot and every once and awhile I get the black screen with "Please wait" on it that quickly goes away. (Which I usually follow with the reboot). My customer xp has been pretty good and though my installers have all been pretty cool, the last one screwed up a connection that I easily fixed but he left with me with tons of cable w/connectors and a couple splitters.:D After pricing out the cable, etc., even online, it was far, far cheaper to have them come out and do it and the materials were high quality. I think I spent $20 and got two splitters, plus an old one and enough cable to wire my neighbors house from mine if I wanted. (FYI - Cable companies generally have THE BEST splitters; usually far superior to anything you'll find at Radio Shack, etc. This came from a very reliable source and not the cable company. Who gave theirs to me for free, anyway.)

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Guest Removed

i chose e. all of the above issue's

mind you i have been paying pound me in the ass prices for the last 5 years

fucking installer tract mud all thru my damn house

ran a bunch of spliters that wasnt needed and left before the box was even working....

customer service tryed to tell me my tv was the issue, i said look bitch i swapped box's with the other rooms and now it work's!

its slow

boxs suck fucking cock, and seem to fail like phil on a weekend basis

guide is slow as shit

internet just seems slow at times

and dont get me started on the issues since they when digital

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See my Time Warner thread from 3 months ago and my Time Warner thread from 1 year ago. They know their service sucks, and when I called and complained about everything mentioned above, their response was, "do you want to cancel your service?"


Direct TV > TW

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See my Time Warner thread from 3 months ago and my Time Warner thread from 1 year ago. They know their service sucks, and when I called and complained about everything mentioned above, their response was, "do you want to cancel your service?"


Direct TV > TW


TW is known as Comcast out here, and their only competitor in cable is RCN. So whenever we have a problem and they tell us "a service technician will be there in 2 weeks" I tell them "RCN said they'd be here tomorrow" and get service usually within 12 hours.

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Guest fist302

I get the black screen with "please wait" a few times a day.


Every couple days My screen freezes and i have to restart the cable box.


Did i mention my internet is slow? Time warner sucks >:|

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I called this evening to complain for the eighth month in a row about not receiving a paper bill. I complained about the boxes having to be rebooted every few days just to watch on demand movies. Ordered Showtime (they are running a special, get three months free) and it works on the downstairs box but not upstairs WTF? I tries rebooting but nothing.


Does anyone know when Uverse is coming to Delaware?

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We usually have to replace a dvr box about every month. The fuckers keep dieing.


POS Company... as soon as FiOS hits columbus...







i want it to hit her too so I can have docsis 3


I'm laughing because they already started to roll out and backed out .

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All of you Columbus folks complaining about Time Warner need to PM me.


I'll get you hooked up with WOW, for most likely less than what you are paying now. FYI, WOW may use the same DVR's...but NOT the same software. And there is where the difference lies. Just watch both boxes do a cold boot; you'll have 3 programs set to record on the WOW box, and be watching Maury in your boxers before the TW DVR even finishes booting up. I have WOW at my rental, and am stuck with Warner at my condo (though am working on getting WOW into here...that should be some EASY sales).

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+1 on WOW being good. We have WOW cable and internet, and they have had no problem eating an entire months bill if our service is out more than maybe 12 hours in a month - which is rare. Basically, problems are few, and they take care of you when they screw up.
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Time Warner F'd me too many times. When I called to cancel they didn't even ask why or try and keep me as a customer. The few problems that I have had with WOW have been fixed no later than a day after I have called. I had a women going door to door trying to get me to switch to Time Warner and I laughed in her face. I told her that they had higher prices and lousy service. She couldn't explain that one, so I politely told her to try next door.
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