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Obama's President

El Karacho1647545492

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I'm so happy Obama is president, I know nothing will happen immediately I just think we needed someone who thought differently. He's not a liberal, but not overly conservative he's right about in the middle, which I think is a good thing to make more people happy. I believe he was the best choice, out of the candidates running.






"Now that theres a black man in the white house, I don't have to pay taxes and he's gonna find me a job now because I've been unemployed for 10 years cause I'm black!"


Fucking please...

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I thought it was funny that I went to work yesterday...and it was all white people. They even put up a TV and let you stop working for 2 friggin hours to watch it, but no, gotta stay home and watch it. I'm not rascist I just think that if the economy is as bad as they say it is, you need to get your ass to work and at least watch it there.

And anyone heard this new seal and bono America song. You guys aren't even American. We've always had free and fair elections and peaceful transitions of power. The America people pick the president, yet celebrities aren't proud of America until their guy gets elected. What dicks. Keep your damn song.

I will say this, at least Obama gave props to the hundreds of thousands of guys that died in the civil war to preserve the union and end slavery, I havent heard anyone say that in awhile.

Hopefully now that he's prez, yes prez, the Obamania will end, the cult of personality is really making me sick.

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And I don't feel any different. I thought the mounds of gold would be piling up in my drawers and Osama bin Laden would be laying his weapons before me with gifts of the finest fruits and wines.




Anyone else not noticing a significant increase in the standard of living yet?



Oh well, maybe tomorrow.


It's funny you mention Osama Bin Laden, I was thinking about 9/11 yesterday and how all people care about is we now have a "black" president. I really hope he delivers on some of his promises.

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Well, I just hope that his change doesn't cause another 9/11 like Bush has been blamed for, or another Katrina that Bush created, or a global economic meltdown like the one Bush orchestrated.....


Obama is setup perfectly. If he fails then, no one could have done it. If he makes it all turn around, he did what they all said he would do. The media has set him up to not lose.

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Not to be an ass but I think Obama may be one of the most liberal Presidents the USA has ever elected, JFK might be up there (Dunno wasn't alive then).


Ok that is true, I wasn't comparing him to former presidents, as a rule most of them are pretty conservative, Obama is moderate.

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And I don't feel any different. I thought the mounds of gold would be piling up in my drawers and Osama bin Laden would be laying his weapons before me with gifts of the finest fruits and wines.




Anyone else not noticing a significant increase in the standard of living yet?



Oh well, maybe tomorrow.


holy fish hook batman, look how many took the bait.

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We've always had free and fair elections and peaceful transitions of power.


How thick are you?


June 21, 1788: Constitution is signed guaranteeing rights to everyone on the basis that all men are equal.


April 14, 1865: President Abraham Lincoln is shot and killed by John Wilkes Booth.


Feb 26, 1869: Amendment XV to the Constitution, Blacks are given the right to vote, Jim Crow laws almost immediately negate this through literacy tests and poll taxes.


July 2, 1881: Charles Guiteau shoots President James Garfield, who dies 11 weeks later due to shitty medical care.


Sept 6, 1901: Anarchist Leon Czolgosz shoots President William McKinley, who dies 8 days later. Secret Service is charged with physical protection of the president as a result of this 3rd successful assassination of a president.


Aug 26, 1920: Amendment XIX is passed, giving women the right to vote.


Nov 22, 1963: Lee Harvey Oswald (or so we are meant to believe) assassinates John F. Kennedy.


July 2, 1964: Civil Rights Act of 1964 desegregates everything, invalidates Jim Crow laws, but fails to address issue of "voter qualification" which had been used to turn away many black voters.


Aug 6, 1965: National Voting Rights Act of 1965 is passed, effectively ending voter qualification and allowing anyone to vote regardless of sex, color, or any other differentiating factor.


And I didn't even bother with the attempted assassinations.



Still think we've always had free elections and peaceful transitions of power?

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I will say this, at least Obama gave props to the hundreds of thousands of guys that died in the civil war to preserve the union and end slavery, I havent heard anyone say that in awhile.


You mean the War of Northern Aggression? Yeah, fuck all that. If a state wants to succeed, there shouldn't be a WAR to prevent it.


States rights > Federal oppression.

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You mean the War of Northern Aggression? Yeah, fuck all that. If a state wants to succeed, there shouldn't be a WAR to prevent it.


States rights > Federal oppression.



Please. Everyone's existence involved in that war, on both sides, was the result of the atrocious massacre of millions of Native Americans. Casting stones about early policy is completely futile.

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How thick are you?


June 21, 1788: Constitution is signed guaranteeing rights to everyone on the basis that all men are equal.


April 14, 1865: President Abraham Lincoln is shot and killed by John Wilkes Booth.


Feb 26, 1869: Amendment XV to the Constitution, Blacks are given the right to vote, Jim Crow laws almost immediately negate this through literacy tests and poll taxes.


July 2, 1881: Charles Guiteau shoots President James Garfield, who dies 11 weeks later due to shitty medical care.


Sept 6, 1901: Anarchist Leon Czolgosz shoots President William McKinley, who dies 8 days later. Secret Service is charged with physical protection of the president as a result of this 3rd successful assassination of a president.


Aug 26, 1920: Amendment XIX is passed, giving women the right to vote.


Nov 22, 1963: Lee Harvey Oswald (or so we are meant to believe) assassinates John F. Kennedy.


July 2, 1964: Civil Rights Act of 1964 desegregates everything, invalidates Jim Crow laws, but fails to address issue of "voter qualification" which had been used to turn away many black voters.


Aug 6, 1965: National Voting Rights Act of 1965 is passed, effectively ending voter qualification and allowing anyone to vote regardless of sex, color, or any other differentiating factor.


And I didn't even bother with the attempted assassinations.



Still think we've always had free elections and peaceful transitions of power?


Yes absolutely. Every president has been elected following the rules of the constitution and any difficulties have been settled either within congress or the supreme court. Has there been a military takeover? Has a president refused to step down and ordered the troops to surround the white house and protect him? Has someone kept the electoral college and elections from happening other than delaying from a national emergency? No

You're going to actually bring up civil rights? Blacks and women received the right to vote, name me all the countries that allowed blacks and women to vote in 1788 when our constitution was ratified. Its going to be a very short list. Im not saying thats a good thing, just that ex post facto laws are unconstitutional, so don't blame me or the system for something in the past that has been fixed.

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I think it is interesting we had a woman and a black person run for president and Obama one. Remember when women got voting rights before black people did? And poll taxing and literacy tests do not = voting rights for all the haters out there.


I guess we are not ready for a female president.

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Today was historic....



150 million dollars historic...


Bush's 2005 inauguration cost $157 million.


Now that the day is over, how many of you who said "I don't notice any change"?

Sonofabitch hit the ground running, the first story about him freezing trials at Gitmo broke at about 6am. Later there was a press conference where he laid out the rules for the new administration. Of course you don't get anything immediately, but the guy is in no way fucking around... hence his 70% approval rating.


Of course, every time the guy does something right, most of the people here will respond with:


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