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Counter strike!

Jizzle Juice

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It looks like that because that was the end of the match, I don't remember if I have the video of that ownage saved or not (I made it because someone said during the round I was hax0ring).


Really doubt I'll get around to it anytime soon. Though, my desktop does have all my media on it and my PS3 works well for that...

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wow CS wasted so much of my life, I was even in a clan way back in the day.




I was in leagues and played at every local tournament. I played in Cal-Main league and destroyed bitches. Andy only got in b/c I was so good and told them he had to be in too. haha j/p


r2r .:. ro-_-ku would own you all.


I'm sure I'd keep plenty of my own on CS:S if I ever got a computer that'd be able to run it efficiently. I've never even tried to download it on my PC b/c I know it'd be crap. 1.6 is much better anyway.

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How can you say 1.6 is better when you just said you haven't played CS:S?


Where did it say I've never played it? Is it written in invisible text? I've played it plenty of times, just never had it on my computer.

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Solider of fortune 2 capture the flag was awesome. I was the best with the m16 grenade launcher. It was easy to launch grenades to your face. SOF 1 deathmatch was even better. I loved running away from people and throwing C4 to a wall, wait 2 seconds and hit the detonate button. Body parts fly.
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  • 4 months later...
I typically play TF2 or DoD...old Day of Defeat. Or CS:S Gun Game.


I only play 1.6. Either in Zombie Mods or scrims. I may go play deathmatch for a few rounds to warm up before scrimming.

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