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Ghost car?????


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That's not chainlink at the end.


String it between 2 poles, it will stretch and flex. The Corsica has a wedge shape; he hit it, but it flexed and stipped over the roofline.

Why don't you quit being a lying asshole!?


It was magic, dammit. Simply magic.


Well, the only other explanation would be that it actually cut the car and occupant into little tiny squares and due to the car's speed, the car remained together, escaping into the night until the first stoplight. :D

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Am I the only one that noticed that at 1:46 the fence is partially knocked down? You can see on the left of the screen, that the top post is hanging down.


Your probably right.


These videos can be edited to make police departments look better, or sometimes they won't tell you the whole story. Heres a good example of that.


"The tv show edited the video to make it seem like the cops got the kid. But look at min

and then min
, its the exact same location and they just slowed it down, added some sound effects and voila we got the kid. He got away! Dont believe everything you see on tv."
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