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2009 Movies

Big Steve

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man i have been waiting for this terminator movie ever since T2. i really hope they dont mess up the story. i like bale but i am a little apprehensive to see him as john. looking forward to seeing how many of the characters from the tv series are in it too. i know at least one is. the tv series is about the only tv show i watch regularly.



oh yea and iron man 2 has me interested. per the end of the first one we know they are bringing in nick fury. also they mentioned the avenger initiative. although the avenger initiative in marvel comics is a post (marvel world) civil war round up, per say, of the enhanced humans and homo superior's. although for movie sake its this...


http://actionfilmscomedies.suite101.com/article.cfm/marvel_the_avenger_initiative Following the credits for ‘Iron Man’ was a short clip in which Samuel L. Jackson, as Nick Fury, told Robert Downey Jr’s Tony Stark he wanted to speak to him about the Avengers initiative. In the days following Iron Man’s release and massive success Marvel announced a string of Avengers related movies. 2010 will bring the ‘Iron Man’ sequel in April, the debut of Ant Man and the introduction of Thor in June. Summer 2011 will be the release of the keystone of the entire endeavor, Captain America. In addition Tony Stark will be making a cameo appearance in the Hulk relaunch coming to theaters June 13. If all this goes according to plan, 2011 will also be the release of the Avengers movie where theoretically all these heroes would join forces in a comic book movie the likes of which have never been seen..


so they are using the name from the books to begin the Avenger's series in the movies. i would love to see the marvel comics civil war happen in theaters though!


in theme with that above the Captain America movie looks interesting. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0458339/



also a little more fun Cap's sheild in iron man... http://www.firstshowing.net/2008/05/09/captain-americas-shield-found-in-iron-man/

Edited by Spidey2721
added iron man
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