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wow...i was expecting snow, but holy ice...

Guest tbutera2112

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Guest tbutera2112

went to go to work, fuck that


1/2" thick ice over EVERYTHING


15minutes of scraping and i finally cleared half my windshield....the wiper blades were completely covered in ice i couldnt even see them *the hood cowl was filled completely, where the wipes sit*... 20 minutes later (freezing rain, and i had shorts on since its warm where i work) and busting my ass once and i decided going to work today isnt worth destroying a truck and fubaring myself on the roads...is it spring yet?

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Mayor Michael Coleman is asking all non-essential City of Columbus employees to NOT report to work until 11 a.m. Essential workers should come in at their normal time.


Freezing rain continues to fall in downtown Delaware. According to NBC 4‘s Tom Brockman, it has been falling ever since he arrived at 3.45 a.m. The combination of freezing rain, slush and freezing temperatures are making for slippery conditions.


Franklin County is under a level 2 snow emergency. During level 2 or 3 emergencies in the county, COTA provides free fares.


5:45 A.M. UPDATE:

According to Mary Carran Webster with the City of Columbus, the roadways throughout the city are not in good shape and are considered hazardous. The city has 54 trucks out spreading salt on major roadways, bridges, ramps and overpasses, and plowing where possible. Crews are spreading a mixture of salt and sand on secondary roads. The salt is for melting; the sand should provide some traction on the ice.

City drivers are reporting 1/4 to 1/2 inch of ice on the roads.

Officials advised that if residents need to venture out Wednesday morning that they use extra caution on bridges, ramps and overpasses.

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6:27am UPDATE!


I officially called off. Went out and 2" of ice all over car. I could barley walk. Ice is covering everything. Appears too dangerous. This is the time of year I wished I used my garage for cars :(

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It must be a lot worse south of Westerville, because I'm on the north end of Dublin and there's not very much ice on my car.


I'm at the south end of Dublin and there's 1/2" ice on the Deck/table/chairs. Dogs need snow shoes to shit :o Puppy is sliding all over as she's too small to break through the crust, but our 75lb male is doing the old step-slide-crunch walk :D

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It wasn't that bad. I drove from Delaware to Galloway at around 40mph, 270 is worse than the side roads.


Damn you are a badass, especially in that caddy.


Update 8:22 a.m. I made it into work, maintance guy is not here so i have to shovel fucking snow

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