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Gorilla Warfare


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This is how you see off a love rival, gorilla-style.

With teeth bared and enormous arms swinging, the two huge apes hurl themselves towards each other.

This moment, just before they clashed in mid-air, was captured by a visitor to the Kent zoo where the western lowland gorillas live.


An amazing pic showcasing their massive size and strength. I'm a big guy but I think I'd shit myself to see something like that coming for me.



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I'd shit myself to see something like that coming for me.


Pound for pound given their strength advantage over us....absolutely. No human would stand a chance without a weapon. Hell, I'm amazed at how strong my 70lb dog is vs me.

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Good one. You enjoy getting your limbs ripped off?


A gorilla has no concept of defensive fighting... pretty much the only thing humans teach one an other as far as hand to hand combat goes.


While yes, there would be a pretty solid chance that something of mine would get ripped off and id be mauled into a paste... i think i could live for at least... 4 seconds? maybe 5.

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A gorilla has no concept of defensive fighting... pretty much the only thing humans teach one an other as far as hand to hand combat goes.


While yes, there would be a pretty solid chance that something of mine would get ripped off and id be mauled into a paste... i think i could live for at least... 4 seconds? maybe 5.


Just to remind you, and further illustrate how dumb it would be to fight one of these, or ANY primate: Remember WHY they fight in the first place. It's so they can breed. What's the best way to make sure your competition doesn't continue his genetics?


Yes. They will RIP YOUR BALLS OFF.

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Just to remind you, and further illustrate how dumb it would be to fight one of these, or ANY primate: Remember WHY they fight in the first place. It's so they can breed. What's the best way to make sure your competition doesn't continue his genetics?


Yes. They will RIP YOUR BALLS OFF.


Indeed. Hell, a chimp is considered at least 4-7 times stronger than a human. By age 5, they are stronger than most humans. They're as fast, if not faster, stronger, more agile, 4 grasping appendages, large, powerful jaws and huge teeth, thicker skin, denser bones. They don't just punch but slap, stomp, kick, bite, rip and tear. Some will even use weapons. Sticks and stones. Of course, if they had access to a bat or some shit, I'm sure one of them would beat your ass with that.

Imagine how strong a gorilla is comparitavely? If you think you can take a gorilla, you've been watching too much Jungle Book or Tarzan or some shit.:D


Gorilla - 1

Human (Nick) - 0


:04 seconds into the 1st round by TC (Technical Carnage);).

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Some munkay stuff:


The article even left some shit out ... namely that the guy's foot was tore off, as were his testicles.



Different article detailing the same attack, ie; the testicle and foot thing.



Remember the "Man Vs. Beast" show that aired on foxtv? A 90 lbs female orangutan pulled some 350+ sumo wrestler into mud. Pretty funny.


I can't find the link but there's a case where biologists have OBSERVED chimps tearing truck tires in half (no human can do that).There's also a case where chimp pulling strength was measured on a dynamometer. A 165 pound man pulled 210 pounds with two hands. A 135 pound FEMALE chimp pulled 1,260 pounds with one hand. So yes, they could probably tear your arms off.


In dead lifts, chimps have been known to manage weights of 600 pounds without even breaking into a sweat. A male gorilla could probably heft an 1,800-pound weight and not think twice about it.


There's a ton more, but I'm bored, now.

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A gorilla has no concept of defensive fighting... pretty much the only thing humans teach one an other as far as hand to hand combat goes.


While yes, there would be a pretty solid chance that something of mine would get ripped off and id be mauled into a paste... i think i could live for at least... 4 seconds? maybe 5.


Do it and I'll film. :)

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In dead lifts, chimps have been known to manage weights of 600 pounds without even breaking into a sweat. A male gorilla could probably heft an 1,800-pound weight and not think twice about it.


We must kill them all. Havent you seen planet of the apes? If they get smart, we're all fucked.

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A 165 pound man pulled 210 pounds with two hands. A 135 pound FEMALE chimp pulled 1,260 pounds with one hand.


I remember reading that. And I REALLY remember the next part: that same female chimp managed a pull of OVER 2,000 pounds while having an orgasm during masturbation. Seriously. NOT joking.

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