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Am I the only one?


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i enjoy cars -especially detailing. Its sad now that im out of school, its just work, work, work all the time... hard to fit the car stuff in, but I manage..


winter just fucking blows... i used to have to leave work at 4 or earlier just to get in daylight to wash it :nono:

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Yep. Same here. I have other priorities that are above having a fast car at the moment.


However, I LOVE to drive. just driving in general makes me happy. Not going fast, just driving. Especially in the warmer weather days when I just open up the window and drive. Regardless of what I'm driving.


I'm the same way. Everything I used to do involved cars, now I have higher priorities. I still like cars, but when you work on them all day the last thing I want to do is touch a car. I love to drive though


new gf says i talk about cars in my sleep. which i have heard that before


I've heard this before as well. I'd talk about labor times and fixing cars in my sleep. When my wife was pregnant she told me to get up and get her some water and I said "The valets(lot techs) are here why don't you just have them get it.

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new gf says i talk about cars in my sleep. which i have heard that before


My wife tells me that sometimes I look like I'm gripping a steering wheel and moving my feet as if to be driving, but it's very common for me to lift my arm and start turning wrenches in my sleep.

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I still like cars, but when you work on them all day the last thing I want to do is touch a car.


This is the very reason I didn't go into the Automotive industry. I like working on cars, but just my cars, not other people's. When I worked in a shop, I all ever heard all day long was the techs bitch about how other people's cars are pieces of shit, this, that. I knew that if I became a tech or something, I would quickly be drained of the will to work on my own stuff.

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My wife has come to terms with my addiction. I have learned that sometimes I have to just not talk about cars and racing because some people just don't get it.


I guess the best way to sum up the addiction is


A racing addiciton makes a herion addiction look like a craving for something salty.

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Well Scott, I work at the same place as you. We typically talk about our cars and other peoples cars throughout the day while we are working on cars. I come home and get on CR then watch some racing videos online. About once every 2 weeks I fall in love with a different car and then spend all my time talking to people about that car while completely planning an entire build for if I were to ever buy said car. Most of my social interactions in the summer time is at car meets. And Ive got my girl completely into cars so she will typically talk car stuff with me and she's normally the one who is trying to talk me into buying even more carstuff. So yes I may like cars just a little bit.
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Am I the only one that is truely obsessed with cars? I work at NTB dealing with cars all day, I'm constantly on CR or some other car related site, watch car shows or racing on TV, play nothing but racing video games, if I leave the house I just go drive around, I think I drive people crazy because all I ever really want to talk about is cars. Anyone else that way?


That's how I am. All I know is cars, and that's all I will probably ever know. That's okay with me because I thoroughly enjoy working on cars, driving cars, writing about cars, etc. because it's given me the opportunity to meet people in the industy as well as meet people who have become very good friends of mine over the years.

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I've always loved cars, absolutely love driving them, especially on days when the weather is nice and I'm cruising around in a fast, good-looking car. I usually enjoy working on my cars, as long as I have the proper tools for the job. I enjoy washing my cars, detailing them, etc. Cars are my #1 hobby and I spend way too much money on them.


That being said, I don't think I'm obsessed. I talk about cars a lot with a few of my friends, but like a couple peeps said, there's a time and a place for it. I have other hobbies and shit to talk about and various things to do besides car stuff. And I won't work on cars for a living. I wanna keep it a hobby so I won't get sick of it.

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I think about them all the time, all day every day. My businesses both focus on cars, and I am on here reading what you homos have to say all the time. I'm constantly looking at parts and seeing what I can scheme up next for my little 'Yotas.


However, I am also involved in a ton of other non-car stuff. Track season is coming up, I lift all the time, and do stuff with my friends and family. While I am a complete gearhead, I focus on other things as well. As Tanqueray says, always in moderation.

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