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good real estate agents?


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Dude, seriously? Right now, with the current housing market, it doesn't matter how good someone is, you aren't going to get shit for your house. I'm not dissin your house. Anyone that tries to sell right now won't get shit. If I wanted to sell my rental, I would be lucky to get $120k for it and I paid over $170K for it.

You should either wait, or rent it out like I did mine.

www.s4re.com - go to their website and fill out the form. It's free to do and they'll come out and look at your house and tell you how much they can get for rent and they will locate renters for you.

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not gonna rent... too much of a nightmare dealing with that...


How is letting a company do EVERYTHING for you a nightmare?


Step 1: I signed a couple papers

Step 2: Moved out

Step 3: Profit


The property management company charges me $75 per month. The tenants call them when something needs fixed. I do nothing. It's such a headache!!!

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does the property company foot the bill when things break or do you have to fix it with their approved people?


I would rather not rent because renters don't treat your home the way that you think it should... I rented back in the day and found my house back with every wall knocked out and a nice hole in the living room where they decided to use my livingroom like it was a campfire and setup a bonfire... no thanks.


I did call your guy and we are going to get together and talk turkey next week.



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Let's say your house payment is $1,000 per month. Let's say they are able to get tenants to pay $1,300 per month. If something breaks and they send someone to repair it and it costs $100 to fix it, they will deduct that amount from that months check that is sent to you.


So, 1,300 minus 75 minus 100 = 1,125

You pay your house payment for the month and pocket $125.

Every single month that nothing breaks, you would be pocketing $225


This company does an excellent job when searching for tenants. They do background checks, credit checks, etc. If the tenants are local, they may drop by their current place unannounced to have a peek inside to see how clean it is.


I'm just saying it is worth looking into rather than selling your house and taking a loss.

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Josh, I hate to tell you, but houses like yours are a dime a dozen right now, and the ones going are the short sales.


The easier sells (easier being a stretch of the term in this market) are those places that don't have any competition, such as homes in desireable areas with no one else selling their stuff, unique land structures, etc.


I am currently renting my Reynoldsburg house. No way could I sell it in this market and even break even, so I am better off renting the place.

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