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War on drugs is so worth it


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Don't cops have someone else better to do? If you arrest 8 people with search warrants and only recover a total amount of less then an oz of weed, then you deserve to be fired. This is a huge fail. Weed is bad yes it is true but spend your time doing something productive.



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Ok so let me get this straight. The cop does not think that Phelps should be treated any different then anyone else who "smokes a lil weed" but I would bet that he has not used the same effort going after everyone who he has ever busted for the same offense. All this badge wearing douchebag is doing is trying to make a name for himself.
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Ok so let me get this straight. The cop does not think that Phelps should be treated any different then anyone else who "smokes a lil weed" but I would bet that he has not used the same effort going after everyone who he has ever busted for the same offense. All this badge wearing douchebag is doing is trying to make a name for himself.


Roger that.

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war on drugs


Arresting someone who broke the law



You dont think they know pot is a wuss drug? They only way they're really going to go for a big bust of it is if they are hoping to stop a huge supply of it. The real war on drugs goes on in colombia or afghanistan, stopping heroine or cocaine, and on the water by the coast guard trying to stop the trade.

Sure thats a huge fail, but not because of the war on drugs, because these cops didn't do enough homework.

And pot should definitely not be decriminalized

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war on drugs


Arresting someone who broke the law



You dont think they know pot is a wuss drug? They only way they're really going to go for a big bust of it is if they are hoping to stop a huge supply of it. The real war on drugs goes on in colombia or afghanistan, stopping heroine or cocaine, and on the water by the coast guard trying to stop the trade.

Sure thats a huge fail, but not because of the war on drugs, because these cops didn't do enough homework.

And pot should definitely not be decriminalized

:wtf: :gtfo:

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Weeds bad?


When's the last time you herd of some stoned guy getting into a fight in a bar?


I want to know how they can even make those search warrants stick. A good lawyer will make that department look like the toolbags they are.



Come on a picture of someone with a bong is not proble cause. I can go to campus right now buy a bong pack it up with tobacco that I can buy right there and smoke it. It may look like I'm smokin some weed but i'm not. Does that give the police probale cause to search me?

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Come on a picture of someone with a bong is not proble cause. I can go to campus right now buy a bong pack it up with tobacco that I can buy right there and smoke it. It may look like I'm smokin some weed but i'm not. Does that give the police probale cause to search me?


Yes it does give probable cause, smoking a bong with tobacco in it is like driving and drinking a beer but with pop in it, the cop will look to see what you're doing

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Just wondering what your reason behind it is.


Ive got personal opinions that would never stand up to your guys' wealth of pot knowledge but maybe a few can give reason.

-People who say pot smokers don't get violent are wrong, I've seen groups of guys high get destructive and smash tons of personal/public property.

-Pot smokers try to drive because they think they can, however they cannot, they have slower coordination and worse judgment. Anybody who says they drive better high, is the same to me as someone saying they drive better drunk, and no one is ever going to believe that

-Health reasons: Namely more tar then a cigarette, and testi cancer. Plus 2nd hand smoke could possibly get someone high that shouldn't or can't be.

-It IS a gateway drug, I've seen plenty of people go on to heroine or cocaine. And yes I've known people who were shot at/robbed for weed

- Laziness and a desire to not do shit becomes that much worse when people smoke it before school or before work, and too many people already do. It makes education a waste of money, either personal or taxpayer, and it can create a dangerous situation at work.

- That also leads to losing a job which means your family suffers, either your own wife and kids if you have any, or your parents that are now paying for everything


I will say this, I really don't care if people use it responsibly in their own homes, and I would vote to allow that in a perfect world. The problem is a lot of people don't do it safely/responsibly and it ends up affecting a lot of other people/friends/family.

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Ive got personal opinions that would never stand up to your guys' wealth of pot knowledge but maybe a few can give reason.

-People who say pot smokers don't get violent are wrong, I've seen groups of guys high get destructive and smash tons of personal/public property.

-Pot smokers try to drive because they think they can, however they cannot, they have slower coordination and worse judgment. Anybody who says they drive better high, is the same to me as someone saying they drive better drunk, and no one is ever going to believe that

-Health reasons: Namely more tar then a cigarette, and testi cancer. Plus 2nd hand smoke could possibly get someone high that shouldn't or can't be.

-It IS a gateway drug, I've seen plenty of people go on to heroine or cocaine. And yes I've known people who were shot at/robbed for weed

- Laziness and a desire to not do shit becomes that much worse when people smoke it before school or before work, and too many people already do. It makes education a waste of money, either personal or taxpayer, and it can create a dangerous situation at work.

- That also leads to losing a job which means your family suffers, either your own wife and kids if you have any, or your parents that are now paying for everything


I will say this, I really don't care if people use it responsibly in their own homes, and I would vote to allow that in a perfect world. The problem is a lot of people don't do it safely/responsibly and it ends up affecting a lot of other people/friends/family.


I want to state up front I do not smoke weed and in my life I have done it one time. I have been around enough people who were using or had used and almost everything you said was the person who you witnessed was a weak minded individual. They made those choices not the drug.


I respect your opinion but I think tabacco and alcohol are much worse drugs.

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We should make alcohol illegal because of the kids and people who get drunk and start fights. They also beat their wives. How many people do you know that drink too much in college and their grade suffers? How many of those people are using a grant or some kind of federal aid? Waste of tax payers money etc etc


You can use the same argument with ANY abused drug.

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Ive got personal opinions that would never stand up to your guys' wealth of pot knowledge but maybe a few can give reason.

-People who say pot smokers don't get violent are wrong, I've seen groups of guys high get destructive and smash tons of personal/public property.

-Pot smokers try to drive because they think they can, however they cannot, they have slower coordination and worse judgment. Anybody who says they drive better high, is the same to me as someone saying they drive better drunk, and no one is ever going to believe that

-Health reasons: Namely more tar then a cigarette, and testi cancer. Plus 2nd hand smoke could possibly get someone high that shouldn't or can't be.

-It IS a gateway drug, I've seen plenty of people go on to heroine or cocaine. And yes I've known people who were shot at/robbed for weed

- Laziness and a desire to not do shit becomes that much worse when people smoke it before school or before work, and too many people already do. It makes education a waste of money, either personal or taxpayer, and it can create a dangerous situation at work.

- That also leads to losing a job which means your family suffers, either your own wife and kids if you have any, or your parents that are now paying for everything


I will say this, I really don't care if people use it responsibly in their own homes, and I would vote to allow that in a perfect world. The problem is a lot of people don't do it safely/responsibly and it ends up affecting a lot of other people/friends/family.


I think you would be quite surprised to see the actual data that negates a lot of what you have said. There's a pot documentary at Blockbuster, narrated by Woody Harrelson, that follows the history of weed in the States. You will see exactly how the plant went virtually unnoticed and quite harmless, to national-scare and heinous act.

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Yes it does give probable cause, smoking a bong with tobacco in it is like driving and drinking a beer but with pop in it, the cop will look to see what you're doing


lol Wow, you are waaayyy off base. You have a car that goes over the speed limit. That mean you must be speeding. :rolleyes:


People use bongs and hookas that do not smoke weed. I know quite a few. Just like I know tons of people (especially these days) who roll their own cigarettes. Should they be stopped everytime, too, and have their rights violated?


Seriously, I can give examples like this all day but I don't want to waste all my time putting thought into an debate with someone who obviously put no thought into their argument.

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Ive got personal opinions that would never stand up to your guys' wealth of pot knowledge but maybe a few can give reason.

-People who say pot smokers don't get violent are wrong, I've seen groups of guys high get destructive and smash tons of personal/public property.

-Pot smokers try to drive because they think they can, however they cannot, they have slower coordination and worse judgment. Anybody who says they drive better high, is the same to me as someone saying they drive better drunk, and no one is ever going to believe that

-Health reasons: Namely more tar then a cigarette, and testi cancer. Plus 2nd hand smoke could possibly get someone high that shouldn't or can't be.

-It IS a gateway drug, I've seen plenty of people go on to heroine or cocaine. And yes I've known people who were shot at/robbed for weed

- Laziness and a desire to not do shit becomes that much worse when people smoke it before school or before work, and too many people already do. It makes education a waste of money, either personal or taxpayer, and it can create a dangerous situation at work.

- That also leads to losing a job which means your family suffers, either your own wife and kids if you have any, or your parents that are now paying for everything


I will say this, I really don't care if people use it responsibly in their own homes, and I would vote to allow that in a perfect world. The problem is a lot of people don't do it safely/responsibly and it ends up affecting a lot of other people/friends/family.


Marijuana is know for relaxing your body and mind. That is proven. However, pot doesn't have a controlling affect like large quantities of alchol and many other illegal, prescribed, and otc drugs. THerefore, people are able to act out in whatever way they feel. If you are being violent and/or an ass, it's because that's who you are. Did you know they found that pot smokers on average make more than non smokers? Did you know I've worked for many labs and at each one, at least half were smokers? Including the last genetics lab I worked for. And most of those were phd's and/or making upwards of 110k to 200k+ a yr.


In some recent studies to measure the affects of various drugs and alcohol while driving, they found the only group to perform better than the control group (100% sober group) was the pot group. Should you drive under the influence of anything? No. Some things affect others differently. We won't get into that here.


lol In more than one study, they've found that marijuana may actually prevent cancer. The teste study... omfg, lol. Hold, let me finish laughing...

Ok, ok. I read about that already. I also notice Fox News jumped all over it. Do you actually read shit yourself? No, you don't. Because if you did, you'd know that study made no actual conclusions. Somebody skewed some statistics. What they found while studying a group of some 300+ males was that some of them smoked marijuana. When they qualified for the study, they were asked many questions. Exercise, smoking cigs or other, drug use, alcholhol use, health issues, living conditions, etc. Using the same logic, I can decree that drinking water, or smoking a cig, or drinking alcohol or eating a hamburger, or even taking aspirin can cause testicular cancer. Come on, man, you're going to have to do much better than that. :rolleyes:


Gateway drug? Are you crazy? Your lack of experience and close mindedness is damn near appalling. Smoking pot has nothing to do with MAKING you want other drugs. I'd say about 80% of the people I kjnow who smoke pot, don't do any other drugs. Out of those, many of them don't even drink or smoke cigs. And of course, sometimes crimes are committed related to pot. But, holy fuck man, so is every fuckin materialistic thing in this world. Cars, money, food, sex, tv, stereos, animals. It goes on and on. Try not to be a bigot or hypocritical. Seriously. Think for youself. I can respect another man's opinion even if it's different than mine, but if your reasons behind them can't even hold weight, how am I supposed to respect those opinions?


As far as it making you lazy, etc. As I said before, I know more professionals who smoke than losers. If you're a lazy sack of shit, you're a lazy sack of shit. Some people, it does make them sleepy. If you're one of those people, then you need to learn to use it responsibly. If you can't be responsible, its not the pot, cuz I guarantee it's just because they're fucking irresponsible. For christ's sake, you are putting up every anti pot cliche there is. Where have you been living the last decade? In a damn box?


Ok, I'm done. I really hope this gets through to you just a little bit and that you at least try to keep an open mind and do a little research on some non-biased sites with real facts. What I stated above is fact. I could care less if you decide to ever smoke or not yourself. I have nothing to gain by lying or twisting the facts. Whether this subject were on pot, cars, vid games, etc, I would've reacted the same way. It only matters to me that people are informed with the truth, no matter the subject.

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