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Transportation chief eyes taxing miles driven


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Fantastic, NC wants to be the first state to do it. They already have tons of stupid taxes down here transportation related. Cost me 400 bucks to switched my registration down here from Ohio because of all the bullshit taxes, fees, and yearly safety/emissions inspections.
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I can understand where he's coming from. it would put a bulk of the burden of keeping the roads maintained by the people who use it. but really would it make that much of a difference. I'm not sure how much tax on gas is, but at .25c/mile driven would only be about $4 a month for me. I cant imagine I pay less than that for my gasoline tax/month.


All I really see this accomplishing is raising the price of ground shipping, causing all food prices and other consumer prices to raise.


but this doesnt even go into the other "uses" they could get out of having a GPS in every vehicle in the nation. Go ahead and say they wouldnt use it for anything but what they say they will, but you know they will when it suits thier needs.

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Change we can believe in...


Wow, you Obama haters are getting really pathetic. Funny I don't see Obama in that picture... What do you see?




Oh look! Obama says this guy's an idiot too... Wow, good thing I didn't blame the mileage tax idea on Obama, or I'd feel REAL silly right about now.

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Wow, you Obama haters are getting really pathetic. Funny I don't see Obama in that picture... What do you see?




Oh look! Obama says this guy's an idiot too... Wow, good thing I didn't blame the mileage tax idea on Obama, or I'd feel REAL silly right about now.


nvm had a long post ranting about obama

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Isn't the tax on gas like 49 cents a gallon? You're damn right they would use it (GPS) for more than that. What about onstar and gps enabled phones, they can tell where you are and when. Think about the movies Enemy of the state and Eagle Eye. It's no wonder we have a $10 Trillion deficit and owe it all to China, Japan and other nations. We're spending it all on gadgets we don't need and bailing out companies that waste more money on jet fuel in a month than everyone on the site makes in a year. Damn sad! Only 3 more years until Obama raises taxes, get prepared.
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Wow, you Obama haters are getting really pathetic. Funny I don't see Obama in that picture... What do you see?




Oh look! Obama says this guy's an idiot too... Wow, good thing I didn't blame the mileage tax idea on Obama, or I'd feel REAL silly right about now.



Funny, I see a guy nominated (endorsed) by the President of the United States to serve as Transportation Secretary.


Why would Obama think the guy he nominated is an idiot? Did he make ANOTHER screw up nominating his cabinet?

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Funny, I see a guy nominated (endorsed) by the President of the United States to serve as Transportation Secretary.


Why would Obama think the guy he nominated is an idiot? Did he make ANOTHER screw up nominating his cabinet?

Ahh, yes. Because nominating him to the position means that he has his brain removed and replaced with a reciever for Obama's mind control waves. Obama's responsible for every word utterd by every person in government, and every idea they have. Don't like something? It's Obama's fault!


Regarding the mileage tax:

"It is not and will not be the policy of the Obama administration,"


Sounds like the President agrees with you. FUCK! You'd better start trying to get the mileage tax instated so you can continue to disagree with Obama!

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Guest tbutera2112
Ahh, yes. Because nominating him to the position means that he has his brain removed and replaced with a reciever for Obama's mind control waves. Obama's responsible for every word utterd by every person in government, and every idea they have. Don't like something? It's Obama's fault!


Regarding the mileage tax:



Sounds like the President agrees with you. FUCK! You'd better start trying to get the mileage tax instated so you can continue to disagree with Obama!


dont be a gay.

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Ahh, yes. Because nominating him to the position means that he has his brain removed and replaced with a reciever for Obama's mind control waves. Obama's responsible for every word utterd by every person in government, and every idea they have. Don't like something? It's Obama's fault!


Regarding the mileage tax:



Sounds like the President agrees with you. FUCK! You'd better start trying to get the mileage tax instated so you can continue to disagree with Obama!



I feel real sorry for you if you dont think this is all one choreographed stunt. It's as old as time. Some dope in your administration floats an idea so you can get a gauge on where public opinion stands. A couple of years later you re-introduce the idea when "there is no other way" to make things right.


Calm down. I'm allowed to have an opinion as long as its yours?

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dont be a gay.


Just pointing out how silly it is to blame one person for another's actions. I understand that a lot of people are irked over the media furor surrounding Obama, but come on. Whenever something is even questionable in government, whether it's Obama's idea or not, the Obama haters come out and start spewing "CHAAAANGE!" It's annoying for one, and makes the person look like a nutswinger.


This thread is a great example. Someone says "Let's tax every mile you drive" and immediately we get the "CHAAAANGE!" post. Then it turns out that Obama is just as opposed to the idea as the person who blamed him for it. It's become a knee-jerk reaction for some people here to blame everything on Obama.


Personally, I don't care about Obama. I think he'll get as much done as most Presidents; slightly more than nothing. But let's be a little more sensible here. Seeing "CHAAAANGE!" posted in every mildly political thread is going to get tiring in 4 years.

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Just pointing out how silly it is to blame one person for another's actions. I understand that a lot of people are irked over the media furor surrounding Obama, but come on. Whenever something is even questionable in government, whether it's Obama's idea or not, the Obama haters come out and start spewing "CHAAAANGE!" It's annoying for one, and makes the person look like a nutswinger.


This thread is a great example. Someone says "Let's tax every mile you drive" and immediately we get the "CHAAAANGE!" post. Then it turns out that Obama is just as opposed to the idea as the person who blamed him for it. It's become a knee-jerk reaction for some people here to blame everything on Obama.


Personally, I don't care about Obama. I think he'll get as much done as most Presidents; slightly more than nothing. But let's be a little more sensible here. Seeing "CHAAAANGE!" posted in every mildly political thread is going to get tiring in 4 years.


need a kleenex? Some cheese with that whine?



You can't honestly sit there and say you would have had the same reaction toward Bush if Cheney would have suggested taxing mileage driven.

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I feel real sorry for you if you dont think this is all one choreographed stunt. It's as old as time. Some dope in your administration floats an idea so you can get a gauge on where public opinion stands. A couple of years later you re-introduce the idea when "there is no other way" to make things right.


Calm down. I'm allowed to have an opinion as long as its yours?


Sorry, where have I supplied an opinion for you to regurgitate? As it is, I didn't see an opinion in your first post either. Just a reflex post blaming Obama for something you didn't like. And this last post you're blaming him for something you believe he'll do in the FUTURE.


Honestly, if Obama had supported this, I'd be right there with you. But he's not. I'm not asking you to love Obama, just stop shouting "Change" like a trained parrot.

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