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Picture of 100ft-long 'snake' sparks fears


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Picture of 100ft-long 'snake' sparks fears of mythical monster in Borneo


The snake in the picture appears to be faarrr larger than a 100ft or what I would even think possible. Interesting article nonetheless, and even more interesting is the fact that they've recenlty unearthed a fossil of a 45ft long monster - named Titanoboa - that was so big it lived on a diet of crocodiles and giant turtles, squeezing them to death and devouring them whole.

Weighing an impressive 1.25 tons, it slithered around the tropical forests of South America 60million years ago, just 5million years after the last dinosaurs were wiped out. Though, not all that long for a snake that large, holy crap at the size of that thing.



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That has to be the worst photochop ever. Look how wide the snake is in relation to the river. Now figure how wide is that river? That snake must be 15 feet across, forget how long it is. It must be able to swallow a school bus.
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yea fakes. although i would not be completely surprised if a 50 foot long snake was found. 100 foot? i doubt it could happen. snakes never stop growing in their life time. although when they get older it slows way down. longest live modern snake ever documented was like 33 or 34 feet. snake skins have been around that were 50 foot. although a snake skin can stretch a good bit longer then the snakes actual length while alive.
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This is totally real and not photoshopped.


lol Yes, there's no way that's a snake in that photo... or the second one. lol


There have been reports of absolutely huge snakes by mulitiple witnesses, etc. They are not "official", however, because an American wasn't there to with a tape measure and a grant to confirm it. ;)


Make no doubt about it, a 35ft 500lb constrictor is no laughing matter and quite capable of swalling whole goats, pigs, and young children. The only thing that stops them from eating (though not killing) an adult is our wide shoulders are believed to hamper our being swalled whole.


I watched a program where a gentleman was attacked, coiled, and knocked unconcious by a captive (I think it was) reticulated python. Another gentleman came to his rescue repeatedly stabbing the snake with a knife. Not only did the snake not give up his attack on the original man, but actually went after the second man while dragging the first one behind it wrapped in it's coils. Crazy shit.

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