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Sugar Saturday night!

Jizzle Juice

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I might still come out. I don't think I've met anyone in this thread so just look out for the tall guy in the snuggie.







..alright, no snuggie.


Lmao! If your really gonna come shoot me a PM with your number so u can meet some of us!

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ahhh had a good time at sugar an patio only could fine mopar an zach got them some shots but zach was a litttle beotch an couldnt finuish his shot pusssssyyyy


Sorry I don't do those kind of shots... Unless you want it to come up all over your shoes.


Oh yeah thanks for the shot! It's the thought that counts anyways!!!

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Yep, thanks for the shots. Don't feel bad, I couldn't find anyone all night. I gave up looking and started drinking, then proceeded to get shot down more times than I care to remember :lol: Had to call plan b..... fml.
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Yep, thanks for the shots. Don't feel bad, I couldn't find anyone all night. I gave up looking and started drinking, then proceeded to get shot down more times than I care to remember :lol: Had to call plan b..... fml.

:lol: next time I will be there :cool:

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Yep, thanks for the shots. Don't feel bad, I couldn't find anyone all night. I gave up looking and started drinking, then proceeded to get shot down more times than I care to remember :lol: Had to call plan b..... fml.


HAHA funny shit! i guess plan B is not good then. U shouldve went after that asian chick!!

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Yeah I was wondering where you were at when I went to go piss. I thought we were on the same peeing schedule??? :lol:


so your in a club with chicks everywhere and all you can think about is were a dude went because he wasn't with you when you went to piss? WOW!!!! :gay2:

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