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Cell phones..


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It's time for a new one. My current one is apparently a "1st gen RAZR" or something like that and it's beat to hell. I don't really follow what the latest, coolest phone is. I'm picking up the gf tomorrow and going phone shopping. She recommended a place off Henderson. I thought someone on here worked for Verizon and could get me up to speed on what's cool these days. I basically use a phone for texts and calls, I don't need any internet, music or whatever all that shit is. A full keyboard sounds pretty cool though... Any comments on the subject? :confused:
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I had an Env2... was a pretty good phone, also had a Dare, and now using a Voyager Titanium... I would have to say, the Env2 was the best phone because of it's size and it was a great little phone to txt with.


the only downfall... when it's closed, it looks like a calculator.

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