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CA introduces marijuana legalization bill

Flyin Miata

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The proposal would regulate marijuana like alcohol, with people over 21 years old allowed to grow, buy, sell and possess cannabis - all of which is barred by federal law.





As much as I would love to see this happen, I don't know if the country is ready to accept something like this just yet. I still believe that it will be legal before I become too old to care though :D.

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As much as I would love to see this happen, I don't know if the country is ready to accept something like this just yet. I still believe that it will be legal before I become too old to care though :D.



Why not ? I dont smoke, but I could care less if someone else does.

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Of course now you open a whole other can o worms.


Not really, unless we're going into a debate on constitutional law. If we're doing that, I'll be reversing my position and will actually be on California's side for once.

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It's because it's not hard to acquire all of the equipment to grow it for your own personal use. Hard to tax it, but most people would not take the time and effort to grow quality stuff, so I don't see what they are worried about. It still opens up billions of dollars to be made.
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I have no issue with them making pot legal, I mean whens the last time you heard of someone having an overdose to pot? I just dont see it ever happening, and by my comment on its kinda hard to regulate a plant and your comment about Tobacco, tobacco is only grown in a few state, pot can be grown anywhere by anyone
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I have no issue with them making pot legal, I mean whens the last time you heard of someone having an overdose to pot? I just dont see it ever happening, and by my comment on its kinda hard to regulate a plant and your comment about Tobacco, tobacco is only grown in a few state, pot can be grown anywhere by anyone


I grew a tobacco plant in a small "green house" in my back yard for a project in high school. You can grow it anywhere by this method, just like pot.

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I dont mind trying to trump federal law, but this bill would be stupid. It said it would legalize growth, transportation and selling of marijuana...but it would be tax evasion if you did.

Plus I read somewhere 15,500 metric tons of marijuana come in from mexico...I guarantee mexican pot would be cheaper and would be tax free, so why would californians buy taxed american pot?

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I dont mind trying to trump federal law, but this bill would be stupid. It said it would legalize growth, transportation and selling of marijuana...but it would be tax evasion if you did.

Plus I read somewhere 15,500 metric tons of marijuana come in from mexico...I guarantee mexican pot would be cheaper and would be tax free, so why would californians buy taxed american pot?


because they could walk into a nice clean shop and buy it instead of going to a dealer.

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Many cities in CA have legalized it, Prop 215, Medical. You can join any of like 50 clinics in the bay area. It legalized the sale and growth of weed in small quantities. You have to have a medical marijuana patient card. It costs $175 consultation with a doctor the clinic suggests. Then you get the card, and can go to the clinics. The feds don't do anything about it because the city cops don't see it as a federal crime so they don't arrest anyone.


Here is the list for just San Fran.



The guy proposing the state-wide legalization said that the states largest agricultural crop isn't regulated or taxed. I found that to be funny.

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Not really, unless we're going into a debate on constitutional law. If we're doing that, I'll be reversing my position and will actually be on California's side for once.


That's the very can I was talking about. Though I've grown tired of that subject on this forum. So my opinion, in summation is ...



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I guess some people just don't realize, and never will, that federal law trumps state law.


I guess you missed it when obama said once his DEA guy is in place the federal govt will not challenge any state law.


“The president believes that federal resources should not be used to circumvent state laws, and as he continues to appoint senior leadership to fill out the ranks of the federal government, he expects them to review their policies with that in mind," White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said.

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I guess you missed it when obama said once his DEA guy is in place the federal govt will not challenge any state law.


“The president believes that federal resources should not be used to circumvent state laws, and as he continues to appoint senior leadership to fill out the ranks of the federal government, he expects them to review their policies with that in mind," White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said.


Last I checked, he can only be the president for a max of 8 years. Not that I know anything about government:confused:.


PS. The DEA doesn't have to be the entity to challenge the state law.

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That's the very can I was talking about. Though I've grown tired of that subject on this forum. So my opinion, in summation is ...




Most people on here probably haven't even read the constitution.


My opinion is this: California should secede and we should let them.

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If I grew my own apples and sold apple pie without charging tax, would that be against the law?


If you sold to Ohio residents without charging sales tax then yes. You should get your house raided for this you terrorist.

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If I grew my own apples and sold apple pie without charging tax, would that be against the law?


No, food is not taxable in the state of Ohio. It would only be taxable if you sold the pies then had tables for them to sit inside and eat the pies. Then the food would be taxable.


Never done the stuff, never plan to either. Do I care if they make it legal, not really. It will be a big fad for a bit then it will quickly die out. I know if they do make it legal, I will go no where because I hate of the smell of the stuff when people smoke it. And you can smell it on them for days.

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