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Obama after the Assualt Weapons Ban Already.


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Tim, I've met you once or twice. I got the impression of an intelligent, rational person. Wow, did I get let down by first impressions.

Here, I'll make it simple;

Criminals have guns. I have guns. To protect me against criminals with guns, the government bans a long list of guns that happens to include every gun that I own legally. I comply, turn in my guns, and a week later, I get shot by a criminal who, because it is in the nature of criminals not to obey the law, has NOT turned in his banned guns.


This is the reality of any gun ban. It will only take away the guns from those people who choose to obey the law.

My brother's Mosin Nagants would have been banned if the last gun ban bill had passed. They're high-power military rifles, easily able to completely pierce an engine block or body armor. Of course, they're also balky bolt-action guns designed in the 1880s that use a relatively expensive and hard to find round, and I'm pretty sure that no Mosin Nagant has ever been used in a crime, but that's completely besides the point, isn't it? It's a high-power, military-style rifle, so it obviously criminals are all flocking to get them and murder people with them.

Here's the problem with every gun-control law written in the last thrity years; They're all, every single one, written by people who are SCARED of guns, and people who are ignorant of the use of guns.


Do I have a solution? No. But I have a few ideas that would help.


1) ARM. Introduce open carry in every state. Introduce castle law in every state. Introduce samaritan laws in every state. Make it not just a right to carry a gun, but a duty to act in defense of yourself and others.


2) EDUCATE. Introduce MANDATORY gun safety classes starting in middle school, and elective marksmanship programs as part of physical education. Offer competitive shooting as an extracuricular activity. Make basic armed self defense an elective course, and basic unarmed self-defense a mandatory PE course.


3) PUNISH. Let's get real, there's thousands of people rotting through five and ten year sentences for a couple joints worth of marijuana. Legalize it, tax the hell out of it, and use the extra revenue and prison space to increase sentences on gun-related crimes. If you commit a crime using a gun, kiss ten years goodbye, first time. If you injure someone with a gun during the commission of said crime, 20 years, minimum. Murder=death penalty. And make prisons something to truly fear again. Rehabilitation does NOT work.


My perfect future is a country where every law-abiding citizen carries a handgun that they have been trained to use, and any criminal that survives using a gun to commit a crime can count on being in a hell-hole for so long they'll forget how to USE a gun.


I would like to subscribe to your newsletter. Do you, by chance, have a brochure?

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Tim, I've met you once or twice. I got the impression of an intelligent, rational person. Wow, did I get let down by first impressions.

Here, I'll make it simple;

Criminals have guns. I have guns. To protect me against criminals with guns, the government bans a long list of guns that happens to include every gun that I own legally. I comply, turn in my guns, and a week later, I get shot by a criminal who, because it is in the nature of criminals not to obey the law, has NOT turned in his banned guns.


This is the reality of any gun ban. It will only take away the guns from those people who choose to obey the law.

My brother's Mosin Nagants would have been banned if the last gun ban bill had passed. They're high-power military rifles, easily able to completely pierce an engine block or body armor. Of course, they're also balky bolt-action guns designed in the 1880s that use a relatively expensive and hard to find round, and I'm pretty sure that no Mosin Nagant has ever been used in a crime, but that's completely besides the point, isn't it? It's a high-power, military-style rifle, so it obviously criminals are all flocking to get them and murder people with them.

Here's the problem with every gun-control law written in the last thrity years; They're all, every single one, written by people who are SCARED of guns, and people who are ignorant of the use of guns.


Do I have a solution? No. But I have a few ideas that would help.


1) ARM. Introduce open carry in every state. Introduce castle law in every state. Introduce samaritan laws in every state. Make it not just a right to carry a gun, but a duty to act in defense of yourself and others.


2) EDUCATE. Introduce MANDATORY gun safety classes starting in middle school, and elective marksmanship programs as part of physical education. Offer competitive shooting as an extracuricular activity. Make basic armed self defense an elective course, and basic unarmed self-defense a mandatory PE course.


3) PUNISH. Let's get real, there's thousands of people rotting through five and ten year sentences for a couple joints worth of marijuana. Legalize it, tax the hell out of it, and use the extra revenue and prison space to increase sentences on gun-related crimes. If you commit a crime using a gun, kiss ten years goodbye, first time. If you injure someone with a gun during the commission of said crime, 20 years, minimum. Murder=death penalty. And make prisons something to truly fear again. Rehabilitation does NOT work.


My perfect future is a country where every law-abiding citizen carries a handgun that they have been trained to use, and any criminal that survives using a gun to commit a crime can count on being in a hell-hole for so long they'll forget how to USE a gun.


So good it needed quoted twice.

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I'm sorry but if you have to preface something with saying "this may sound ignorant".........I'll leave that alone.


Look, I'm not saying ban guns or particular guns, I'm no expert on assault weapons or guns and don't need to be nor care to be. What I am saying is that these more advanced guns do not belong in the hands of just anyone. The weak, ignorant, poor, uneducated, irresponsible do not "need" these guns and I think we'll all agree, the complete opposite of them aren't necessarily the ones our public officials are concerned with.


These guns are getting into the hands of the wrong people by some means and that's not typically a responsible, educated person who is simply using it to hunt or participate in sports. Or maybe it is and they are simply skirting the laws or perhaps working within the guidelines of them as they stand today. I don't know. But something is going on that needs to stop in order to save lives and keep these guns from falling into the wrong hands. Change is needed.


That said, I agree with the previous quotes that it's the behavior of the people that is under scrutiny and yet the powers that be are going after the hardware. That's because it's easier to stop a static object in distribution vs changing behavior of the people.


Now, if the responsible gun owners have concerns with what's happening, let's here what they suggest. I asked this on page one and have yet to hear anything other than CR's constitutional experts spout off about what they have the right to do. Instead, let's hear your solutions to the problem that all this is stemming from.




OK ok ok, we get your point.


Basically what you are saying is that you are better than everyone else, and that you should be allowed to own your guns, but not anyone else because no one is as smart or trustworthy as you.


In reply to another one of your brilliant posts, no one but you should be allowed to own a house, because obviously no one else out there is capable of making their mortgage payments which caused this entire economic downturn.


People shouldn't be allowed to do Y because they aren't (insert whatever bullshit you want here) enough. That is what you think of society. You are saying FUCK the Bill of Rights. FUCK the right to pursue happiness (home ownership). FUCK gun ownership. Unless its you, of course.


Guess what, that's not how this country works. Everyone is equal until they fuck up and lose their rights. EVERYONE, not just you or who you think is special enough to enjoy rights.


Now here's an idea. Stop being an elitist asshole. The entire "better than thou" attitude is what is trashing this country. Everyone thinks they need to look out for themselves and kick everyone else to the curb. Until we pull together and start helping each other (and I'm not talking about passing bills to blow money on pet projects), maybe then we'll have a chance at being a great country once again. But so long as everyone is pissing on each other JUST LIKE YOU ARE then we are just going to continue falling down the drain.


This is about more than gun rights. This is about personal freedom, the pursuit of happiness, and being able to tell the world that we are still better off than they are because we work hard and give each other a hand up. So please, stop hating what it is to be an American.

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I just ordered 8lbs of powder and a few hundred more bullets for my .308 (Realize that I fire about 100 .308 rounds everytime I hit the range.

I already have 1000 small rifle primers, 300 (223 bullet and a shitton of .223 brass.)


Reloading supplies are tough to come by these days. Especially decent powder, bullets, and primers.

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Score another for the good guys:






U.S. Senate Votes to Uphold

Second Amendment in Washington, D.C.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fairfax, Va. - The United States Senate has voted, with overwhelming bipartisan support, to adopt an amendment offered by Senator John Ensign (R-NV) that seeks to protect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens in the District of Columbia. The amendment, attached to S.160, the D.C. Voting Rights Act, will repeal restrictive gun control laws passed by the District of Columbia's (D.C.) city council after the landmark D.C. v. Heller Supreme Court decision. The vote margin was 62-36.


"Today's vote brings us one step closer to restoring the Second Amendment freedom of law-abiding D.C. residents," said NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox. "It's ludicrous that good people in our nation's capital continue to be harassed as they try to defend themselves and their loved ones in their own homes. This vote reinforces the historic Heller ruling."


After the Heller ruling, the D.C. city council passed a law requiring would-be gun owners to pay a registration fee, pass a 20-question multiple choice test, take a five-hour training course, undergo an invasive background check every six years, re-register any firearm every three years, and finally, submit all handguns for ballistics testing. Current D.C. law also bans an overwhelming majority of firearms commonly used for self-defense. This Ensign Amendment would also remedy that unjust practice.


"NRA would like to thank the lead sponsor, Sen. John Ensign for his efforts to reform D.C.'s gun laws and enable folks to protect their property and their loved ones," concluded Cox. "It's time for leaders in Washington to wake up to the fact that the Supreme Court decision is now the law of the land."

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I have like 3 local gun stores, all have stacks of 30 and 20 rd ar mags and ak mags at the the 15-30 dollar range. and I just picked up 500 rd cases of .223 for $125 and $135. And that is local stuff, not mail order. over the summer 500rd boxs of .223 was around $175 here.



PM me with some details, please.

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