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She was treated like a class one criminal


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I hate it when they bounce off the ground then hit your car.. Makes me want to get in front of them and then launch 2 dollars worth of change out the window at them..


I would use that change to buy more cigarettes to flick out my window.

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I think i want to do that or drive a tank' date=' im undecided. I have also thought a lot about being a mechanic.[/quote']


funny thing my recruiter said I was going to be driving tanks, it wasnt until after boot camp I learned I was going to drive trucks

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As for the person who said that smokers are assholes, think about this, most smokers dont smoke because they are well balanced happy individuals.




I was happy when I smoked. I think you smoked the wrong substance before you posted this. People are assholes before they start smoking. Once they smoke then they think they are better then you.


Remember before Ohio came in and said you all suck and can't smoke in public places? Remember when you could light up in a restaurant? Remember when smoking and non-smoking sections were not blocked by walls and/or separate ventilation?


Dennys is a prime example. I don't understand some of you asshats. I never wanted to smoke before or while I was eating. Some of you smokers feel the need to eat with a cig in your hand. I ASKED one person very polite if he minded putting out his cig while I ate. He was sitting next to me in the smoking section EATING while smoking. Damn it was like I scuffed his new par of Pumas. He threw a fit like a girl PMS'ing. "Oh its a free country I can do whatever I want. etc etc." I pulled out my Djarum clove cigs. I said "look friend I smoke as well but I like to eat without smoke in my face. Can you just put it out for 5 minutes while I eat my breakfast? I will even give you 3 of my cigs right now if you put yours out." OH MY GOD I think a vein in his head exploded after I said that.


Smokers like that are asshats pure and simple. I have rights just as much as you do. If you are upset don't take it out on other people.

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I used to smoke for several years. I don't smoke anymore. Therefore, I have experience in both being a smoker as well as a non-smoker. I think that qualifies me as much as anyone else to assert the following opinions:


- Smoke smells fucking terrible, and it makes you stink. If you smoke, you probably don't notice how much you smell like shit because your olfactory bulbs are smothered in soot. Believe me, you fucking reek. This is a great reason why you shouldn't be allowed to smoke anywhere inside - because you stink. Go be stinky somewhere else, Sergeant Stinks.


- You don't need to fucking smoke inside, anywhere. No, don't even fucking try to say you do. There's not a worthwhile fucking argument amongst all of your stupid non-arguments as to why you need to light up inside some restaurant or arena or stadium or club. If you're unfortunate to be addicted to nicotine and must smoke, then walk your addicted ass outside somewhere and have at it.


- If you are are bar that allows people to smoke in it (e.g., Zeno's in Victorian Village), and you go to that bar, you've automatically lost any right to bitch about smoking or smelling like smoke. Seriously, it's going to smell like smoke because people fucking smoke there. So, no, whiner, you can't complain about smelling like smoke after you went to a bar where people smoke. Why? Because you're a whiny idiot.


- If you smoke and you throw cigarettes out the window, then you should be ticketed for stupidity and laziness. Yes, two tickets - one for being stupid enough to break the law (i.e., litter) and another ticket for being fucking lazy. Yeah, I know, you don't want to put your cigarette out in your car because it gets ashes everywhere and smells foul. Too bad, you lazy fuck - quit smoking if you don't want to have to worry about putting cigarettes out in your car. Guess what I don't have to worry about? Discarding needles once I'm done shooting up heroin. Why? Because I don't do fucking heroin.


- If you smoke while you eat, then you are beyond fucking hope. There is no excuse for such a ridiculous display of grossness. If you read this and this describes you, then the rest of us are hoping you somehow die before reading the rest of this and save us the utter disgust that accompanies each and every sickening display of your inability to stop smoking long enough to stuff your mouth with gravy-covered meatloaf.

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I used to smoke for several years. I don't smoke anymore. Therefore, I have experience in both being a smoker as well as a non-smoker. I think that qualifies me as much as anyone else to assert the following opinions:


- Smoke smells fucking terrible, and it makes you stink. If you smoke, you probably don't notice how much you smell like shit because your olfactory bulbs are smothered in soot. Believe me, you fucking reek. This is a great reason why you shouldn't be allowed to smoke anywhere inside - because you stink. Go be stinky somewhere else, Sergeant Stinks.


- You don't need to fucking smoke inside, anywhere. No, don't even fucking try to say you do. There's not a worthwhile fucking argument amongst all of your stupid non-arguments as to why you need to light up inside some restaurant or arena or stadium or club. If you're unfortunate to be addicted to nicotine and must smoke, then walk your addicted ass outside somewhere and have at it.


- If you are are bar that allows people to smoke in it (e.g., Zeno's in Victorian Village), and you go to that bar, you've automatically lost any right to bitch about smoking or smelling like smoke. Seriously, it's going to smell like smoke because people fucking smoke there. So, no, whiner, you can't complain about smelling like smoke after you went to a bar where people smoke. Why? Because you're a whiny idiot.


- If you smoke and you throw cigarettes out the window, then you should be ticketed for stupidity and laziness. Yes, two tickets - one for being stupid enough to break the law (i.e., litter) and another ticket for being fucking lazy. Yeah, I know, you don't want to put your cigarette out in your car because it gets ashes everywhere and smells foul. Too bad, you lazy fuck - quit smoking if you don't want to have to worry about putting cigarettes out in your car. Guess what I don't have to worry about? Discarding needles once I'm done shooting up heroin. Why? Because I don't do fucking heroin.


- If you smoke while you eat, then you are beyond fucking hope. There is no excuse for such a ridiculous display of grossness. If you read this and this describes you, then the rest of us are hoping you somehow die before reading the rest of this and save us the utter disgust that accompanies each and every sickening display of your inability to stop smoking long enough to stuff your mouth with gravy-covered meatloaf.



Being a former Sergeant Stinks myself, I can verify, without question, the truth of the above quoted.

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I was happy when I smoked. I think you smoked the wrong substance before you posted this. People are assholes before they start smoking. Once they smoke then they think they are better then you.


Remember before Ohio came in and said you all suck and can't smoke in public places? Remember when you could light up in a restaurant? Remember when smoking and non-smoking sections were not blocked by walls and/or separate ventilation?


Dennys is a prime example. I don't understand some of you asshats. I never wanted to smoke before or while I was eating. Some of you smokers feel the need to eat with a cig in your hand. I ASKED one person very polite if he minded putting out his cig while I ate. He was sitting next to me in the smoking section EATING while smoking. Damn it was like I scuffed his new par of Pumas. He threw a fit like a girl PMS'ing. "Oh its a free country I can do whatever I want. etc etc." I pulled out my Djarum clove cigs. I said "look friend I smoke as well but I like to eat without smoke in my face. Can you just put it out for 5 minutes while I eat my breakfast? I will even give you 3 of my cigs right now if you put yours out." OH MY GOD I think a vein in his head exploded after I said that.


Smokers like that are asshats pure and simple. I have rights just as much as you do. If you are upset don't take it out on other people.


Well we have just as much right to eat WITH smoke in our face as you have the right not to. I miss the smoking section. :(

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Well we have just as much right to eat WITH smoke in our face as you have the right not to. I miss the smoking section. :(


Just how fucking low is your IQ? Using your same retarded logic, I could say, "Well, I have just as much right to get stupid drunk and drive through your neighborhood as you have the right not to drink." See how that doesn't make any sense? Of course you don't, because you're too busy being dumb. Now go exercise your right to kill yourself.

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